[fics] Satellites, The Things About Lily

Dec 25, 2004 19:37


Rating: R
Ships: Remus/Sirius, (Remus/OC, Sirius/OC)
Setting: 1971 through 1977
Summary: Remus and Sirius spend five Christmases orbiting each other.
Notes: Part of the Midnight Conversations arc. Proofread, but unbeta'd. Expanded from a drabble I wrote at queerditch_pub a few months ago.

It was as though in order to have the very best of Sirius, Remus had to take the very worst as well.


The Things About Lily

Rating: PG
Ship: Remus/Lily
Setting: 5th year
Summary: There's only so much Remus will risk.

He was going to have to tell her at some point that he’d lied. Until then, Remus was content to sit here and watch her, and freeze his arse off, and let her freeze her arse off...

fic: hp: char.: remus, fic: hp: pairing: sirius/remus, fic: hp (harry potter), fic: 2004

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