Thoughts on RotK:EE

Dec 25, 2004 16:05

1. If the mountain's all creepy and spooky, and the horses are afraid of it and tend to run off...why do the Rohirrim (sp?) park there?

2. Are there really people up on those mountaintops, lighting the beacons? How did they get up there? How do they get food and water? How do they relieve themselves? How do they get down? How do they breathe?? They were above the clouds in some instances.

3. Okay, when Aragorn & Co. were talking to the Mouth of Sauron (who was cool and nasty), everyone was on horseback. When the orcs came out, and everyone rushed at them, the horses were gone. Where did they go?

4. I'm glad Jackson cut the part where the dead decided to join Aragorn, and when they all attacked the corsairs. I prefer the suspense of the theater release.

5. I can also see why he cut the bits with Faramir and Eowyn, but...mmm...I'm glad I got to see those bits. The scenes seemed kind of out of place amid all the doom, but still with the pretty. I liked that they added Eomer finding Eowyn on the battlefield, though. In the theater release, he seems sort of indifferent toward her. Nice to know he really cares.

6. "I have wished thee joy ever since first I saw thee." Squee! I used that in a fic. ^_^

7. I like the expanded Denethor bits. Still no palantir, but his madness and Faramir's grief make a little more sense now.

8. How much do I love that Pippin gets Faramir's old suit of armor? Cuteness!

9. Aragorn looks so uncomfy at his crowning. He looks like he'd rather be smiting someone. He doesn't seem happy again until Arwen shows up. Then he gets back some of his passion.

10. I still tear up when I see Hugo Weaving's face in that scene. *sniffle*

11. The Witch King is cool. I love that he goes around yattering about how he's going to break Gandalf, and how his time has come, and then Eowyn just runs in and murders him. That scene also makes me cry - out of pride. Yes, Eowyn was irresponsible, but oh man. Her on the battlefield, declaring herself and then kicking ass.

12. I wish that just once, Gimli could have beaten Legolas at something, whether it was the drinking or the killing or whatever.

13. Seriously, if you're up on a beacon, and you have to take a piss, what do you do?!?? Just do it in a bucket and toss it over the mountaintop? Ew!

14. I liked seeing Aragorn and Legolas killing Mr Potato Head. I'd wondered what happened to him.

15. I liked that Frodo killed Gollum. The fourth time around, it made a lot of sense to me. We spend three movies being told all about how the Ring wants to be found, how it's looking for its Master, how it led Isildur and whoever else to their deaths... Does it really make sense that the Ring would throw itself over a cliff into a pool of lava? I like that it had to be destroyed intentionally, by someone it had tempted.

16. And lastly... Don't attack me, but I really like Sam/Rosie. I love it at the end, when he and Frodo are on the rock and the lava's pouring out all around them, and it looks like they're about to die, and Sam just bursts out with, "Rosie Cotton had ribbons in her hair!" Like he was saving that memory of her, and he couldn't let himself talk about it or even think about it until he was sure he was going to die. But then he just has to think about her, and how things might have been. *sniffle* I think the love between Sam and Frodo is extraordinarily deep, but I don't think it's romantic. I'm not sure how to categorize it. Pippin and Merry's love seems fraternal to me, and Sam and Frodo's is different. In any case, I don't think Frodo and Sam could have been together, post-war. Earhtly pleasures were beyond Frodo at that point, and in an earthly setting like the Shire, their love could only have manifested itself in an earthly way. IMO. Rosie, in any case, represents Sam's ability to move on, which is something Frodo can't do. I don't think he was settling for her.

And for something completely different...

We have these back massagers at B&BW, and on our computers they ring up as "4 metall/prong/ass". *giggles like a 12yo*

Also, not to slam Christmas or anything, but underlucius and I were thinking...maybe next year we could have a fest called Humbuggery, dedicated to all the annoyances of the season. What do you think?
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