[fic] drabbles (ST: AOS)

Apr 26, 2010 14:47

These ficlets are from the last two
bridge2sickbay meet-ups.

From April 18th: movie tag lines

McCoy/Uhura: It's the story of a man, a woman, and a rabbit in a triangle of trouble.

“You saw that, didn’t you? Tell me I’m not crazy and I didn’t just imagine that.”

“You’re crazy,” Nyota said, the dimple flashing in her cheek as she smiled up at him. “But you really did see a giant white rabbit check his pocket watch, then disappear down a hole.”

“Oh, good,” he drawled. “For a second I thought it might’ve been sun-stroke. Which I think I’d almost prefer because it makes a helluva a lot more sense, than- Hey, wait a second-” She’d started after the rabbit and was tugging him along.

“Come on! Aren’t you curious?”

“You actually want to follow that thing into its lair? Darlin, do you have any idea how bad an idea that is? We’re not even armed.”

“I just want to go a little ways,” she said. “Come on. It’s a rabbit with a pocket watch on a planet that our scans told us was devoid of life. Besides,” she went on with a casual air that he found both unsettling and damn sexy, “I know judo. I’ll protect you, Leonard.”


McCoy, Scotty: There are 40 million sheep in New Zealand... and they're pissed off!

McCoy clung to the tree. He glanced over his shoulder. In the moonlight, hundreds, maybe thousands of cold yellow eyes glittered at him with unmistakable malice. “Scotty,” he growled.

From the branches above, Scotty said in a flustered-sounding tone, “I’m workin’ as fast as I can, Doctor! I dinnae know what went wrong with the universal translator, how they could possibly’ve understand what ye said. Although,” he went on, “ye could have saved your remark about lamb stew for a more appropriate moment.”


From April 25th: things you can hang

Kirk, Uhura: earrings

She feels so stupid. It’s just one earring. One of her Grandma Adila’s jade earrings, but still. Just an earring. Not worth holding up an entire ship.

She asks Kirk anyway. If he’ll give her just a little while longer to retrace her steps along the beach. An hour, that’s all. If she hasn’t found it by then, well… She avoids his eyes while she makes her request, has to fight to keep her hands from fiddling nervously with the hem of her skirt.

When she finishes talking, he’s quiet for a moment or two. The sun is hot on her forehead; her breath shakes between her lips. She feels so stupid. An earring.

She hears Kirk slide his communicator out of his pocket and flip it open. “Scotty,” he says, “I understand we’re experiencing some technical difficulties.”

Over the comm., Scotty’s indignation is clear: “I dinnae know who could’ve told you that, Captain. The ship’s in fine condition, not a ding or a-”

“Are you sure?” Kirk asks in a laden tone. “Maybe you’d better scan her again. Slowly. I’d give it at least an hour, maybe two. We don’t want the warp core falling out the second we leave orbit.”

Scotty splutters like Kirk has just insulted his mother.

Nyota looks up.

Kirk winks at her and gives her the thumbs up. We’ll find it, he mouths.

Something a little bit like wings brush her heart.


Uhura, Gaila: beaded curtain

“No,” says Nyota.

“But it’s so cute!”

“It’s not cute, it’s tacky.”

Gaila pouts. But it is tacky. It’s a curtain of rainbow-colored, star-shaped plastic beads. With glitter. It’s tacky.

Suddenly Gaila brightens. “We could string it between our beds. That way, when I bring someone back here-”


Maybe she was a little too emphatic. Now Gaila looks hurt.

Feeling somewhat contrite, Nyota says, “I just don’t think it goes with the rest of the stuff in our room. Besides, it rattles. That’s going to be so distracting when we’re studying.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Gaila sighs. “It was stupid. At the shop, there was this light shining through it and I thought it was so pretty. I never had anything this colorful on Orion Prime. But you’re right. It really doesn’t go with anything. It doesn’t look Starfleet at all.”

Nyota feels like she’s been kicked in the heart. And the thing is, as much as Gaila annoys her sometimes, she knows this isn’t passive aggressive talk. That’s not Gaila’s style. Nyota scoops the bead curtain out of Gaila’s hands. It rattles as she carries it to the bathroom and stands in the doorway, her lips pursed thoughtfully.

Finally she says, “We can hang them here.”

“They won’t annoy you there?”

Nyota shrugs. “I can live with them if they’re not right in my face. You just have to promise me one thing.”

Gaila eyes her warily. “What?”

“Two things,” Nyota says. “First, this curtain is not a door. There’s an actual door, and we’re going to keep using it. Second … when you come out from behind this curtain, and you’re wearing something gorgeous, you have to strut. You know what I mean.” She twirls in the bathroom doorway, and mimes parting a curtain. She stalks toward Gaila, head tossed back, hips rolling.

Gaila’s girlish squeal of delight makes the whole thing worth it.

fic: st aos: char.: mccoy, fic: 2010, fic: st aos: char.: scotty, fic: st aos (star trek), fic: st aos: char.: uhura, fic: st aos: char.: kirk, fic: st aos: char.: gaila, fic: st aos: pairing: mccoy/uhura

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