Doctor Who: The Time of the Angels

Apr 25, 2010 12:51

I love the Angels. I do. They're genuinely creepy. But I wasn't ready for them again. Not because they're creepy but because this is only Eleven's fourth outing, and it's the second recycled villain. And it's the third OMG THEY'RE SO EVIL villain. Which ... meh. (Fourth, if you count what the British were doing to the space whale.) Please show me something new. And maybe something not evil.

The way the dead clerics communicated with each other and with the Doctor reminded me of the way the dead characters from the library episodes communicated with the living. Which did not please me, since I didn't like the library episodes. I'm not even sure how that worked in this episode.

Also, I'm not sold on Eleven yet. I like him, definitely, but he hasn't really captured my interest yet. I think there's a little too much of Ten in him. Then again, the only Doctors I ever saw were Nine, Ten, and Eleven, so.

Amy, now. I love her. I just love her. She's adorable, she's brave, she's resourceful. And I love her accent. I could listen to her talk all day. *sigh* So, I'm sold on Amy.

I like River too. She's kind of shady, definitely smart and daring. (I really liked the beginning of the episode, and how she called the Doctor for help.) But I've always liked stories that aren't told in a perfectly linear manner. And when you have a couple of time travelers, you're bound to get your dates a little screwy. *g*

tv: doctor who

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