November meme, Days 11 to 16

Nov 16, 2021 09:46

It still feels remarkably mild for November, but the forecast is for cold next week and I'll probably be hunkered down then, doing very little and just reading my library books. So I thought I'd post an update to the meme, before potentially disappearing *g*

Which reminds me, I need to go to the library today to return three books. *nods* I'll do that as soon as I've posted this.

I also have some snowdrops to plant in my small garden. Snowdrops always disappear from the shops as soon as they come in, so I'm lucky to have some. I need to get them in the ground before they start to sprout where they are *g*

That all sounds like a plan.

11. What are some things a house would need to have for you to purchase it?
Hmm... Since I live alone, I think I would want a couple of spare bedrooms because hey, it's nice to have an office as well as a place to put visitors. And a garden. That's good. Apart from that... being close to the sea is a definite plus.

12. Would you ever go out in public wearing pyjamas?
No. Especially not if they looked like pyjamas. Occasionally when camping I've worn soft trousers and a sweatshirt to sleep in and have gone out into the open in those, but on the whole I do prefer to be dressed when outside.

13. Have you ever had a lemonade stand?
No. Not really a thing in any of the places I've lived.

14. Do you think you look older or younger than your real age?
On the whole I think I look my age, although in the past people have often underestimated how old I was, by up to a decade.

15. Where have you lived throughout your life?
All over the place. All over the world at various times. I'm not going to list them *g*

16. Do you want any piercings?
No. My ear lobes are pierced and that is quite enough for me. I can admire additional piercings - those ones that run up the ear, even some nose piercings, but like tattoos, admiring them on other people does not tempt me to indulge in them myself.

memes, monthly meme

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