I've suddenly realised how long ago I last posted. I've been under the weather for a while, which is why I've only been around intermittently. Then I got my booster jab and spent a couple of days feeling rather unwell in a different way. Don't get me wrong - I'm very pleased to get it, but I'm also really concerned about the large parts of the world where people haven't even got a first jab. For all the early chorus of "None of us are safe until all of us are safe" the rich countries are not making enough of an effort to get vaccine to the rest of the world.
Given the amount of time, I did consider giving up on the meme, but the completest in me insisted that that was silly, since it's the end of November so there are only a couple of weeks left to make the whole year. So I have done it, but with so many questions I've put them under a cut, to spare both your flists and your patience.
17. What’s your mouse pad look like?
I saw other people ask, almost amazed, whether anybody used a mouse mat these days. I do. I find it so much easier to use than the touch pad on the laptop. By preference I also use a separate keyboard, too.
As to what it looks like - it is round, black and has a gel filled wrist rest.
18. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader?
No. But I do love the song
Beware of the Beautiful Stranger by Pete Atkin, lyrics by Clive James, which is about a man who does *g*
19. How do you identify spiritually (do you follow a religion, what do you think about soul/spirit, etc.)?
That's private.
20. Do you prefer your nails long or short?
Not long. And not painted. But they do tend to snap these days, so I carry a nail file in my bag and they are shorter than I would prefer.
21. What are your favourite smells?
Strange question. I think it would be the smell of a light summer shower. But that might just be today, because we've really headed into winter this last week.
22. Do you still use a radio or just use your phone/computer for music?
Yes, I do use a radio, but I don't listen to music on it. I have been addicted to Radio 4 for most of my life.
23. What kind of socks do you prefer to wear?
Ones that fit. This isn't as easy as you'd think. Socks tend to come in two sizes and my feet are exactly at the point where the two meet, so I often end up with socks that are either a little bit too small, or which stretch to be too big.
24. Do you have any family heirlooms?
I have a couple of things that I've inherited from my grandparent's generation, but my family was not one that owned much stuff, especially not nice stuff, so on the whole there haven't been any family heirlooms to inherit.
25. Are there any musicians you didn't like at first but grew on you?
See question 22 above. I don't really 'do' music, in that way.
26. Is there anything you used to love but now dislike?
Not that I can think of.
27. Your favourite place to be aside from your home?
Right now? Somewhere warm would be good.
28. What is your favourite kind of tea?
I've occasionally drunk Redbush, but other than that I'd say that any tea I drink really has to contain real tea leaves. I don't drink any of those berry infusions, which are not tea. I insist on being a purist like that *g*
29. Any old home remedies you use when you're sick?
Hot lemon and brandy, made with honey to provide the sweetness, that's a comfort remedy from childhood which I still use.
Since I'll probably not post tomorrow, either, I'll answer the November 30th question now, too. Hopefully I'll feel a bit more like posting December in small chunks.
30. What level of brightness do you usually keep your phone at?
I've never thought about it. Whatever the factory setting was.