November meme, Days 11 to 16

Nov 16, 2021 09:46

It still feels remarkably mild for November, but the forecast is for cold next week and I'll probably be hunkered down then, doing very little and just reading my library books. So I thought I'd post an update to the meme, before potentially disappearing *g ( Read more... )

memes, monthly meme

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Comments 6

curiouswombat November 16 2021, 14:03:58 UTC
Technically this should be a quiet week - there is nothing on the calendar apart from craft group tomorrow night, whereas next week looks full. Which means I should spend time this week doing stuff like Christmas shopping... note 'should'.


thismaz November 22 2021, 08:48:20 UTC
Should, should, should *g* I'm trying to give that one up *g* Good luck!


kazzy_cee November 16 2021, 15:50:29 UTC
I agree with your last question - I don't mind what other people do, but I don't fancy lots of piercings and tattoos on me.


thismaz November 22 2021, 08:49:27 UTC
It's the permanence that gets me - I can't help feeling I would probably regret anything like that in the future, no matter how I might feel now.


texanfan November 21 2021, 22:46:06 UTC
I'm not a piercing or tattoo person either. Just not my thing. I'm also really put off by some piercings. Anything near the eye for example. I just can't conceive of endangering your sight for a fashion statement.

I used to look younger. These days, I look my actual age or sometimes older.


thismaz November 22 2021, 08:51:02 UTC
Oh goodness, yes. Anything near the eye. Just no!

Yes, I look at the skin at my neck and definitely reckon I look my age these days *g*


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