January meme, Days 7 to 9

Jan 09, 2021 07:40

The UK news is oppressive, full of covid infections. The news from the US is just strange; my best wishes to my US flisties. Facebook is full of posts declaring that 2021 is as bad as 2020. I say, "Give the year a chance. Did you expect the switch of midnight last Thursday to have a magical effect?" It will get better, but give it time.

And on that note...

7. What past failure actually proved to be a blessing?

I applied for a job once and didn't get it. It was very disappointing at the time, but in fact the job I was already in grew into something better and became the best job I ever had.

And to catch up with the rest -

8. Do you often make impulsive purchases?

No, not often. I prevaricate over most purchases. Although... it is not the same in the supermarket. I am very capable of impulsively buying sweets and crisps *g*

9. What makes you suspicious of other people?

I try not to be suspicious of people as a whole. But if a person sounds like they are trying to soft soap me on first meeting, that might do the job.

The rest of the year's questions can be found under the cut on the first post of the year.

memes, monthly meme

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