January meme, Days 4 to 6

Jan 06, 2021 06:39

I am not going to bemoan the new national lockdown. It is what it is. I am going to thank heavens that the 'bubble' arrangement is still in place and unchanged, so I won't be totally isolated for the next couple of months.

However, I haven't left the house for two days and for that long it was quite nice. I have pottered. And done some of that housework that only needs to be done every few weeks or months - cleaning the light switches, for example. That and re-watching some classic films - the original Whiskey Galore, Castaway, Grease... (I also started watching Road House, but had to stop and delete the recording, it was so dated *g*)

And then there's the meme...

4. Do you miss anything from your teenage years?

Absolutely not! I wouldn't be that young again for anything *g*

However... I suppose I miss the social life I had back then. I am no longer in touch with any of the people I knew then and that's okay; we all moved on. But the idea of the social life, living now in lockdown, again? That, I think I miss.

5. What about your current life situation makes you feel grateful?

I retired last year and although it was odd to retire from working at home, I'm glad not to be trying to continue working through all the implications of managing in a pandemic.

6. What is distracting you?

Too many things to mention *g*

Seriously, I think I would ask in return, "Distracting me from what?" On the whole I am not distracted. I have too many things I want to do, even in lockdown.

The rest of the year's questions can be found under the cut on the first post of the year.

memes, monthly meme

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