Dec 30, 2009 18:31
Today was a good day.
Brandon took the Jeep to work, so i had the car. I was very happy to be able to get out of the house... after being stuck inside for 3 days straight. Ugh that was terrible.
The kids and i got up, took a shower (which they were not happy about at all), and then we got dressed to go out to breakfast. We went to the Villiage Inn down the street because the food is sooooooo yummy. And, it's cheap. Kat and Tyler behaved pretty well for the most part, but they did start getting cranky when we had to wait for the food. I tried not to get too irritated, because i knew they were bored and hungry.
Finally we got our food, and it was soo delicious! The kids got chocolate chip pancakes, and i got crepes benedict. MMMM it was super tasty. They are also doing free pie on Wednesdays, so we qualified for 3 pieces of free pie. The menu board said that Lemon Supreme was included, so i ordered that. The manager gave me a hard time about it, saying that it wasn't apart of the special and tried to make me pay for it, but ofcourse that was't acceptable. I just told him it was on the menu board and that is why i ordered it. He came to his senses and took it off the bill.
We went to the mail boxes place to check our mail and get our netflix movies that had been sitting in there for over a week. Brandon will be happy that we can finally watch a movie and just relax and get stoned. :)
I took the kids to the park right across the street. Everything was covered in snow except for the slide and the swings, so that worked out well. I pushed the kids on the swing for a little while, until our hands were almost frozen and then i let them play on the slide for a bit. We stayed for 20 min. or so, but then it was just too cold. We got back in the car to leave....... but the battery wouldn't start. Ugh.
I waited a min. and then tried again, and it barely turned over. I was supposed to go to the store, but i was worried that it would die on me again, so i called around to find a walmart that did the batteries themselves. I found one near us thankfully, so we went there.
It worked out well because i already had to get some shopping done anyway. The kids were calm and helpful in the store, which is amazing because that never happens. I think they were just happy to be out of the house, plus they had just gone to the park so they must have burned off some energy. We finished shopping and then went back to check on the battery, and they were still working on it. It is a pain in the butt, which is why Brandon hadn't done it yet.
While we waited for them to finish, the kids founds some blocks to play with. I was happy that they could play and i wasn't stressed out about waiting for the car. They finally finished it, and then we were able to go home. Aaah, i feel much better, knowing the car has a working battery in it.
We got home, and the kids played with clay, while i cleaned the kitchen. My dad brought Jack home from the airport, but then he had to go back to work. Jack stayed and we talked for awhile. It was really nice to hang out with him and actually talk to him as a real adult. It's been a long time since we've been able to talk to each other...... i hope we can continue, and work on our relationship again.
Aaah.... and now the kids are upstairs playing. I need to go upstairs and make dinner, as Brandon will be home soon. yay, it was a good day.