project_purity Stuff

Oct 20, 2010 04:56

☣ Character

Character Name:
Character Age: Roughly? 30.
Canon + Format: Starcraft, PC Game.
Background: HAVE A LINK.
Canon Point: End of Episode One of the first Starcraft game.

[Optional] Previous RP History: Nil
Personality: James Raynor is a decent human being in a sea of mostly corrupt individuals. He's a man of his word, and if he says he'll do something, he will. He learned from his father how to be decent, and he is, despite his cockiness, and his rough edges. He knows where to draw the line, and if that is taking a stand, then he will. But he'll never take a stand for stand's sake. It's not in his nature.  He knows of loss and betrayal, and while the loss of his wife and son hurt him, it also made him a little bit stronger. Raynor will negotiate a deal for something he wants, if it'll mean he can still be a decent human.

Raynor isn't the type to look for trouble - it usually finds him, but he will not run from it. It found him in the Marines, and by the time he left, he was so sick of Confederate bullshit and crap and them not giving a rat's arse about anyone but themselves. And then he only go more when it came to his homeworld, and this lead him to make a deal with the devil; well, the Sons of Korhal. But even then, he was still shown how corrupt a human can get. Raynor was sickened by the fact that the Confederates had known about the Zerg, and yet, for a short time Raynor fought at Mengsk's side. He was the lesser of two evils, some could say. Yet, it was too late when Raynor worked out what was going on. So, disgusted and revolted, he grabbed his men and left disgusted, angry, bitter and resentful at being so used to further Mengsk's own goals. Add into the fact that the Zerg had been used to not only take out the Confederacy HQ, but also the innocent on Tarsonis. Oh and the utter lack of compassion or concern that Mengsk showed for Kerrigan's plight as he abandoned her to a certain death.

No matter how much Mengsk could justify it, it was not right, and the civilians had never stood a chance. And he knew that he needed to stop the Zerg somehow. Mengsk sure as hell wasn't going to do it; the bastard was using them, and Raynor knew it. His friendship with Tassadar would lead to him becoming a valuable ally, and on the discovery of what had been done to Kerrigan only fueled his rage more, but also his motivation and determination to free her from the change.
Raynor has a strong loyalty to those who are loyal to him, and inspires loyalty in his men. He also enjoys drinks, and sometimes, if left alone, will wallow in his guilt, and grief over what happened, even though he cannot change the past. He's honest, does what is right even if it's hard, and is a great improviser. He's never had any formal leadership training, allowing him to avoid the pitfall of accepted knowledge.

He's gained the respect of Tassadar, Zeratul and Fenix, three notable Protoss, allowing the others to consider him a brother. He's also one of the few Terrans who have a long term alliance with the race on a whole. He also is not afraid to stand up to them when it's needed.

Raynor also has a typical men's mind, but he will not act on it, so, despite the pretty girls around, he's not going to use them. Flirt with them, yea, but he won't take one to his bed. He's more than likely to just pay them the cash out of the decency of his heart. It's not in his morals to take advantage. His father raised him right, or at least tried to. The man's rough, but honest and decent.

Appearance:  Here and here
Abilities: N/A
Items/Weapons: set of a mini vulture-bike with mini marine suit, one modified C-14 Impaler gauss rifle fit for Raynor to life and fire with the marine suit and the ammo for it.

Notes and Data.
{{ Notes for project_purity  }}

∇ -- Arrived with
∩ -- Part of outfit
ψ -- Picked up // found
Ο -- Bought

✖ |Living situation| ✖
Newton's Hostel, for now. Three bedroom apartment in a semi dingey area. Still not good, but it's somewhat safeish.

✖ |Housemates/roommates| ✖
Ichigo Kurosaki, Orihime Inoue, Rika Furuda, Rena Ryuugu, Ami Mizuno and Usagi Tsukino [Kids he keeps an eye on as a Wasteland is no place for them on their own.]

✖ |Occupation| ✖
Undergoing BHA testing. Has a BHA license, along with a weapons one. comes up with around $200 to $250 a week. $300 if he's lucky.
Side job of net mending/tending at the docks,  4 hours a day, 3 days a week for $10/hr.

✖ |Sexuality| ✖
STRAIGHT AS A RULER.  Also, dating age: Must be over 28, thanks.

✖ |Stance on events| ✖
Jim thinks that it's best to go along with things while gathering information, and helping where possible. A few seem to be on the level in his books, and in his mind, most seem to be from completely different sectors of space. None have heard of the Zerg, and given the look of the place, it's a worrying sign to him. But, at the same time, he's trying to keep a low profile. So, while he doesn't accept the bullshit fed to him about it being the real world, he'll do what he has to in order to survive, and that means a getting a job. Of any kind.

✖ |Items held| ✖

» ∇ One set of a mini vulture-bike with mini marine suit, about the size of this thing in model form
» ∇ one modified C-14 Impaler Gauss rifle.
» ψ one beat-up looking backpack
» ψ one length of make shift rope.

Activity record.
{{ For project_purity  }}

Ø -- Post
Σ -- Thread
∏ -- Log
∏Σ -- Log thread

✖ |Activity| ✖

Σ -- I'd know if my mind were tampered with.
Σjack -- What's the medic on about?
Σ -- Rena? What just happened? [ To act. Spam]
Σ -- A talk with Kerrigan. [To act. Spam]
∏ -- Molerats, molerats, whatcha gonna do?
Σ -- Inoue - what have you got there? [Act. Spam]
Ø -- House matters.
∏ -- Emoing to L at the watering hole
Σ -- Yea,. will spending a lot time out of the places.
Σ -- BHA = good work, darling
Σ -- Yea, ewww to the BHA paperwork.
∏Σ -- Flirting with Eva
Σ -- Fgksdfhjfgdjk Sarah's here...
Σ -- So, if you weren't dunk and you're not resoc'd, how are you missing part of your memory?
Σ -- Ami, we are having a talk about survival in wastelands...
Σ -- How about that drink I owe you, Dr. Song?
Σ -- A what now? 0.0 [Threadjack]
Σ -- Hey, now I know your name.
Σ -- This Old Earth - Er, Earth as you humans call it.
Σ -- Yea. I was in that News report.
Σ -- Another kid...?
∏Σ -- The meeting
Σ -- Yea, I'm game for a meeting.
Σ -- Way to paraphrase. [Act. Spam]
Σ -- making friends with big boss
Σ -- So you're in charge, huh?
Ø -- We ain't in Korpulu nomore.
∏Σ -- Keeping an eye on Triela.
∏ -- Arrival

purity_crack  threads.

None yet.

Character Relations
✖ |Family| ✖
Charges » Ami Mizuno » Data here.
                 Ichigo Kurosaki » Data here.
                 Orihime Inoue » Data here.
                 Rika Furade » Data here.
                 Rena Ryuugu » Data here.

Sarah Kerrigan » Data here. 
✖ |Friends| ✖
Datah here » stuffs
✖ |Acquaintances| ✖
Aqua » Data here.
Atton Rand » Data here.
Big Boss » Data here.
Dr. River Song » Data here.
Sonic » Data here.
Swoop » Since Dropped..
Roy Mustang » Data here.
Triela » Data here.
Yoshiya » Data here.

✖ |Enemies| ✖
Datah here » stuffs

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