The List of All Things

Jun 12, 2014 19:09

Not quite sure why my 'to do' list for while Gary is away in Aussie got the title it did but for a few days nothing has been crossed off it as I've had a bit of a crisis to deal with (which I'm going to pop in a backdated post).

But yesterday I finally got back on track and did a long overdue bit of organising - make up a storage rack for the cat bedding that previously lived in a heap at the bottom of the spare wardrobe (under the cat pen, now used as a cat hammock bed).

Organising the cat bedding

In a recent assignment for an online course I had to work out how much it cost to have one cat in my household for a year. As we keep a very detailed 'record of spending' I had the figures on hand but was a wee bit horrified to find out how much I spent on cat bedding in a year. Must have been a bad year, that's all. ;o) As a result another part of the cat bedding project is to discard all the unwanted / unused stuff and luckily my neighbour was happy to take the half-dozen bits of (unused) sheepskin off my hands. That still leaves one piece in use and one piece spare ... for each cat.

The crazy cat (bedding) lady lives here.

~ ~ ~

designs for life, cats, diary

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