The Busy, BUSY Weekend!!!

May 28, 2011 19:29

So, I woke up this morning, and made my way to the living room. I had my two cups of coffee, while watching the news, with my mom. Thankfully, after last night, she seems to be in a (slightly) happier place. And, as I had my coffee, I looked on the table, right by the blue recliner, I was sitting on. Apart from coaster (made by Yours Truly, back when I was doing the crochet section, of my little Project), and the candle holder, and of course a lamp, this table is home to two more things. My clay-handled crochet hook (the Crochet Hook of Champions), and one of my purple-handled knitting picks, that I use, while loom knitting.
Now, it is not surprising, that I should find this knitting pick, resting on the coffee table. After all, the blue recliner has become my NEW yarn den. (Sorry chaise...You are just not near a fan! And, well...I gotta be comfortable, when looming.) I jumped right in, not too long ago, and set about claiming this little area, of the family room, as well. (First the chaise. Now the blue recliner...I see TOTAL Family Room DOMINATION, in no time flat!)
After seeing this knitting pick, I looked over, at another coffee table, in front of the red leather couch. And, guess what? Another purple knitting pick. And, if we go to my room, and look on the dresser, just inside the door. Well...YET ANOTHER KNITTING PICK! Then we will find another, inside the orange pencil box, where all my yarn tools are. And, there is one, that I dropped under the porch, a few weeks back. (Though, I would say that, even though I know EXACTLY where this pick is, it is as good as lost. I mean, with the snake problem we have, I know that I am not going to go under the porch, searching. It is just not that important, to me.)
It is funny, to me. I mean, just a few weeks ago, when I 'lost' the knitting pick, under the porch, I was STRESSING out. I mean, I COULD AFFORD, TO LOSE KNITTING PICKS! And now, weeks later, I am overrun with the purple-handled things. They are just popping up, EVERYWHERE! (I know it may sound crazy, but I am actually starting to think that these little knitting picks do, in fact, have the ability to reproduce. And, they are going about it, much the same way that rabbits do. Today, there are a total of 5 knitting picks, at this house, including the one under the porch. Tomorrow, who knows...there may be 25....and then 75, the day after that.)
All I know is this. I will NEVER have to worry, about not having a knitting pick. I think I am fully stocked up, on this rather important tool.
So, yesterday...
Well, after writing my post, I put on my walking shoes, and started covering some ground. (As it was a hot, sunny day: The type of day, that snakes seem to LOVE, I chose to limit my walking grounds, to just black-top surfaces. After all, if there was a snake, on the blacktop, I would SURELY see it!)
After walking around (until my feet and legs were COMPLETELY exhausted), I checked up on my gardens, then made my way to the bistro, where my mother was sitting.
My plan, was to get some loom time in. However, it soon became very clear that this was not going to happen.
My mother was on the verge of tears. The whole thing, with Aunt B...well, if you have ever lost anyone, you know how it goes. Some days are good. Others, not so much!
It was then, as I tried my best to comfort my mom (by being silent, and just listening), that I decided, on three things. The first decision: I would not be working with yarn, yesterday. As much as I wanted to...I knew that I just could not. I had to devote my time, to my mother. I had to try my very best, to make sure, she had the best day possible.
Second...I came inside the house, and bought tickets, for a comedy show. My opinion, as I bought the tickets, was that she needed to do something that, while not removing the sorrow, would give her a reason to smile. A smile, after all, can make you feel so much better. Only after the tickets were purchased (non-refundable), did I tell her. Of course, she pulled the whole 'You shouldn't have', card. But, I could tell I had made the right choice.
The third decision...I would be adding ANOTHER project, into the mix.
A project that has become my priority one, at this time.
A project that, if you will recall, I had plans on working, if time allowed. Well, now I HAVE to work it.
A shawl...
My mother absolutely LOVED the shawl I crocheted for her. And, when she found out that, when I enter into the knitting part, of The Yarn Project, I will making another shawl, well...she was quite happy.
So, I decided that I would just go for it. I WILL make a shawl, in each the three methods. Sure...this project might make things, a little more complicated. But, you know what...She loves shawls. She needs a reason to smile. She needs to know someone is there for her. This shawl, will be the perfect way, for me to show that I am thinking about her, and trying to bring a bit of happiness, when she most needs it.
So, my mother came in, and took a nap. And, as she rested, I went the Provo Craft website, and found the perfect shawl pattern...The Water Wave Shawl.
Or course, it uses the yellow round Knifty Knitter. Well...I have to say, thank you, to Vilakins, for the wonderful information, you gave me, days ago. As much as I wanted to leave the Bliss Baby Blanket hanging on the loom, until I was done with it, I knew that I had no choice. This shawl, as I said, is priority one. So, carefully, I removed the loops, from the pegs, and put the in-progress Bliss Baby Blanket, on a rather long knitting needle. (Hopefully, getting the loops, back on the loom, isn't a complete hassle. We shall see.)
And, there is another thanks, that I feel I have to give out, in this entry.
Kjerlandsen...Thank you, SO VERY MUCH, for supplying me, with the PERFECT yarn, for this particular project. You sent me, a few months back, yarn called Rainbow Boucle Patterns. It is this glorious yarn. It is extremely DELICATE looking, thin, and just plain PRETTY! And, it is in shades of pink, and black...I know this yarn, will be PERFECT.
My mother saw this yarn, the day it arrived, in the mail. "Oooh!" I remember her saying, as she lifted it, out of the box. "This is BEAUTIFUL! Michael, make me something out of this."
And so, I shall...
So, the shawl...
Well, according to the pattern, it should be something I can work up, in 2 to 2.5 hours. If this is the case, well...It really won't interrupt my other projects, all that much. However, as I look at the actual pattern, I think to myself, one thing. 'While the pattern does SEEM pretty straightforward, and simple, I just cannot picture myself finishing this, in a matter of 2 hours. I just don't see that happening.' Two hours...NO! But, maybe I can finish it, in one day. God knows I will try.
So, after taking the Bliss Baby Blanket, off of the loom (which was quite a nerve-wracking experience...I lost a few loops, and played hell, getting them back!) it was time to get ready, for the comedy show.
And, you know what...
We all had a blast! My mom was smiling, and laughing. She enjoyed a beer, and seemed to light up.
Was the thought of Aunt B. gone? No! Aunt B. will ALWAYS be on our minds. But, there was something else to think about, as we sat there, in the comedy club. There was something happy, to think about.
And, it was all worth it.
As for today...
Well, after writing this, I have to go run a few errands. Then, when I get home, I will start work, on the shawl.
That is it, for today. (I am sorry, I had no yarn-progress, to write about.)
Until tomorrow...
Happy looming.

yarnie, shawl, yarn, gift, support

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