The Friday Before...

May 27, 2011 20:10

I woke up this morning, just mere MINUTES after 6am. Both wrists were home to, you guessed it...the DREADED tendonitis. Now, you would think that I would be used to this pain. That, since I have experienced it, SO FRIGGIN MUCH, that I would (somehow) be numb to it. Oh, how I wish that were the case. How I wish I could say that, though I was aware that tendonitis was INVADING my wrists, the pain wasn't 'all that bad'.
The truth is, I woke up this morning, with both wrists (and hands) in such HORRIBLE pain, that it actually brought tears to my eyes. It was, possibly, one of the worst attacks of tendonitis, I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing. If you are fortunate enough to not know this pain, then let me give you a summary, as to how it feels. Imagine this, if you will. First, you stick both hands, into a beehive, after doing something to tremendously anger the bees. When you pull your hands back out, they have been stung, HUNDREDS of times. Then, you go and put them over the stove, and just let them burn. Yup! That would about be it! A GOD-AWFUL stinging sensation, paired up with a burning, that feels as though you have dipped your hands, into the flames of hell.
Needless to say, as I grabbed my walker, and held myself up, while walking to the living room, it took all I had, to not scream bloody murder!
The plus side...Though the pain was TERRIBLE, it was also (thankfully) short-lived. By the time I was half-way done, with my first cup of coffee, the pain had subsided.
So...I took a chance. Yes, I was aware that, by doing this very thing, so shortly after the pain was gone, I was almost BEGGING for it, to come back. But, I couldn't help myself. I HAD TO DO IT!
As I had the rest of my first cup of coffee, and then my second, I worked away, on the Yoga Mat Bag. How could I turn it down? There it was, in the top of my craft bag, right next to the blue recliner, that I was sitting in. It was tempting me, like some type of siren. The wool yarn called out to me, with such 'great logic', that I SURELY could not ignore it. "Michael," I could hear the wool yarn call, in a soft, smooth voice...The type of voice, that you would expect wool yarn to have. "After dealing with such horrible pain, surely your hands must want to know the comfort, that working with me, will provide." (See, I told you...The wool yarn spoke to me, with logic.)
And, as I worked on the Yoga Mat Bag, the tendonitis did not even threaten to come back.
After my second cup of coffee (before I came to computer, to write this post), I took the time, to fix one of the granny squares, made yesterday, to the birthday blanket-in-the-works. And still, the tendonitis stayed away. YAY!
So, before we get to talking about yesterday...
This is the Friday before my first class. Next Tuesday, I will take on the challenge, of being a college student. (Walking, attending online classes, doing homework, AND working with yarn. HOLY CRAP, Michael! When will you sleep?!)
I am COMPLETELY thrilled, about my first day of class. I CANNOT WAIT! And, while the fear is still there, it is little more than shadow of a thought. I am no longer consumed with fear. I AM READY FOR THIS. Hello School...BRING IT ON!
God, I feel like a kid, at Christmas time. On one hand, the days are zooming by. Yet, on the other hand, time itself, seems to have stopped, altogether.
Ok...Moving on...
Let's talk about yesterday, shall we.
After writing my post, yesterday, I got dressed (in only SEMI-UGLY clothing), and went outside. I started my day, with a few laps, around the property. (I will say here that, while these laps, which started my day, were fall-free, I did take a rather nasty tumble, later in the afternoon.) As I walked, I let my mind wander. I thought about The Yarn Project. (It seems that I am ALWAYS thinking about my Project. I swear...I eat, drink, and sleep The Yarn Project. Obsessed much!)
First, my I thought about how close we are, to June 9, 2011. As of yesterday, there were 15 days left, until June 9. As of today, we are OFFICIALLY two weeks away, from The Yarn Project, celebrating its first FULL YEAR! I am completely amazed! This first year has just raced by. And, I think about how much I have learned. As I thought on this, while walking along, I decided that, come June 9, I need to celebrate, in some way. I am not exactly sure what I will do, to mark this occasion. But, I KNOW I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!
Stay tuned, to see what Michael does, come June 9, when The Yarn Project turns 1!
After focusing on this, for a long while, I was entering into my third lap, and my mind then started thinking about the end, of The Yarn Project.
It is rather funny, because on one hand, I still have quite a bit of time, with this Project. One year, and two weeks! But, look how quickly this first year passed.
Truth be told, I am not sure how I will handle the end, of my Project. I am sure that it will be quite heart-breaking. I mean, this Project has come to mean so much more to me, than I EVER would have thought possible.
I do know one thing, however.
The second week of August 2012 (just a few months, after I finish The Yarn Project), I will be in Darwin, Minnesota. I will be taking in the sight, of that big ball of twine, which is something that I am COMPLETELY looking forward to. Hopefully, I can be down, to comfortably using just one cane, by that time. We shall see. There is still a long way to go, before one-cane walking.
After my third lap was done, I made my way inside, and started working a granny square. Then, once that granny was done, I worked another. And another. And another...
The total count of grannies, yesterday: 7! And after the second granny was done, I would go outside, and stretch my legs for a bit, every time I finished a square.
At 4pm, I stitched one square to the blanket, and then made my outside, to water the gardens.
And, it was while watering, that the nasty tumble decided to visit me. I was just finishing up (seriously, I must have had all of 4 plants, to water), and my entire left leg, went completely stiff. And, in less than one second, two thoughts flashed through my mind. First, I thought: 'Well, this is a new sensation.' I mean, I have had my leg go weak. I have had stinging sensations, in my feet, as well as electric shocks, race through my ankles. I am used to all of these feelings. But, my leg has NEVER before, gone stiff like that. What a weird feeling, that was. And, the second thought was: 'Damn it! I am gonna go down!'
Sure enough...KA-BLOOM! One second I was standing, then I was on the ground. And, it was one those 'slow-motion falls'. You know the type I mean. The act of falling seemed to last, for quite a while. (I could almost imagine high-pitched Opera music, complimenting my fall.) As I was falling, I looked at the blacktop, rough, and littered with gravel, and I KNEW that the impact was not going to be a whole lot of fun.
Sure enough, the impact was rather painful. I cut both knees, scraped up my left shin, and elbow, And, gravel attacked my right hand, like rough sandpaper.
And, to make matters even worse...I scuffed up the toes, of both of my new sandals. I mean, talk about insult, to injury. Needless to say, I was NOT a happy camper.
Battered, beaten, and bummed out, over the shoes, I made my inside, and took a nice long bath.
After the bath, I decorated my body with bandages, and made my way, to the blue recliner, where I worked the last, of the 7 squares made, yesterday.
Then, dinner. TV time.
And, from 8:30, to about 9:48, I worked away, on the Yoga Mat Bag.
Then, it was time for bed.
As for today...
I am debating, if I want to go to Barnes & Noble. I do love that store, but if I go, that would mean that I would have to sacrifice some of my potential yarn time, for the day. (Hmmm. Decisions, decisions.) I plan on getting quite of walking time in, today. More so, than yesterday. And, I will go back, to making only one square, then devoting the rest of my yarn time, to the Yoga Mat Bag.
Well...That is about it, for today.
Until tomorrow...
Happy looming!

timespan, felted, walking, learning, 8 months, loom, part 2, bag, memoir, pattern, fall, yarn, blog, book, timeline, workbook, granny square, walk, yarnie, 2 years, timeframe, wool, tumble, project, loom knit, 3 methods, deadline

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