The Shawl...

May 29, 2011 19:41

This morning, I woke up at 6:13am. I went to the kitchen, and made a pot of coffee. Then, as it brewed away, I sat in the blue recliner, and did some early morning work, on the shawl. I got about one and a half rows worked, before hearing the 'beep', telling me that the coffee was done. I had my first cup, while watching TV. And now, I am sitting here, typing out this post, with my second cup just to my left.
I am sure that this morning, I will have QUITE a bit of quiet time. My mother is visiting my sister, in Huntington Beach. And, my sweetie...well, a so called 'quick trip' to the Moose Lodge yesterday, turned out to be ANYTHING but quick. My sweetie left for the Moose, about the same time my mother left, to go visit my sister, for the weekend...About 1:15pm. And, my sweetie pie, did not return home, until somewhere near 2am, this morning.
Needless to say, my baby will (most likely) sleep, until somewhere close to noon.
So...Yesterday, after returning home, from a rather torturous visit to Costco, I managed to get a little bit of work done, on the Yoga Mat Bag. As I waited for my mother to leave, I busied myself, with loom knitting, the bag. I figured that, as soon as she left, I would begin working on the shawl. Is it just me? I swear, my mother KNEW I wanted her to leave the house, so I could start working on this. Normally, when she is heading out for a weekend visit, with my sister, she can have her stuff together in about 15 minutes. Not yesterday! I kid you not. It was almost PAINFUL, how very slowly, she was getting ready. She stood at her closet, for about half an hour, deciding on a shirt, to take with her...JUST ONE SHIRT! It was like she had read my mind, and was deciding that it would be rather funny, to be completely stubborn. 'So, you want me to leave? You have some MYSTERY PROJECT, you want to make for me? Well, tough! I am just going to dawdle along, at a FREAKISHLY slow pace, just to see how much it bothers you!' (After the 30 minute shirt hunt, there was also the 15 minute debate, over which toothpaste to take, and let us not forget the 45 minutes it took, to pack one day's worth, of clothing, into a bag. MY GOD!!!)
Finally, she left. My sweetheart left.
I said goodbye, to my Yoga Mat Bag, and promised that, once the shawl was done, I would return to it.
So...Let us talk, about the shawl.
Once again, a project,  that at first glance, seems like it should be EASY-PEASEY to work up, has proven that I should NEVER think that ANY yarn project, is simple.
On paper, this pattern makes PERFECT sense. I mean, I can clearly see how everything SHOULD work. And, when looking at the pattern, it seems as though it should be simple. 
Well, I tried, and tried, and FRIGGIN TRIED, to get this pattern, to work for me.
I could not get past the first part, where you are asked to skip a peg. It just completely lost me.
"DAMMIT!" I screamed, deciding that I had FINALLY had enough. "There is NO way, I am going to make a shawl, using this pattern." (You have to keep in mind, one thing. My mother will, most likely, return home today. And, I want this shawl FINISHED, by the time she gets here. If I kept trying (and failing) to make this pattern work, there would NO WAY, that this deadline could be met.)
So, what did I do?
I abandoned the pattern, altogether! I decided to just wing it. After all, I know how to increase, and decrease, on a loom. I learned that, while working the Fish Pillow. So, how hard could it be, to make a shawl, without use of pattern?
And, you know what? So far, it is looking pretty damned good.
So, the shawl that I am working now, is not lacy. It is a very close knit shawl, with no holes in it, at all. (Thank GOD I am using such a thin yarn. Any yarn thicker, than what I am using, I am sure, would be too warm. But, this yarn is PERFECT, for the shawl, as I am making it.)
I started working on the shawl, at about 3pm, after FINALLY giving up, on the idea, that the pattern, was going to work. And, as of last night, at friggin 11:18pm, I am half-way done. Now, I worked rather fervently, on this shawl. The only breaks I took, were to eat (a quick meal, of Top Ramen), and to take a VERY quick shower. (Yup...I am so dedicated, to this shawl, that I did not even allow myself the luxury of a bath.)
And, as I worked on the shawl, I kept thinking about how much my mother is going to love it. Even on those rare occasions, where I slipped up, and had to do something over, I did not curse once. I didn't even so much, as sigh in anger. I just kept thinking about my mom. I kept picturing her. Coming home, and going into her room. I will have the shawl gift wrapped, and placed on her bed. I keep seeing the smile, that will come, when she opens the box, and sees the shawl.
And, I feel completely at peace, as I make this gift for her. I feel happy, and I can almost feel all the loving energies, going straight into EVERY SINGLE STITCH!
So, what are the new plans, for the shawl?
Well, as we already have covered, it is now going to be a rather solid shawl. I will be using black Homespun yarn, to add a few finishing touches. I plan on making three black hearts, which will look completely wonderful, when put on the shawl.
As for today...
Well, my sweetie will probably wake up, and insist that I go about walking. And, normally, I would. I try to get laps in, every day. But, priority one, for the day, is finishing the scarf.
I still to decrease, and add the finishing touches.
And, though I HATE to rush through an entry, I feel the time just ticking away. My mother could be home, in a matter of hours. 
So, I am off. I HAVE to finish this shawl.
Happy looming everyone.
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