Part 1 Countdown: 9 Days Left!

Jan 31, 2011 11:23

Ok...First things first.
I would like to thank all my readers, for the very wonderful support, given yesterday. The feedback, from yesterday's entry, amazed me. To hear from so many of you. To see note, after note, telling me that The Yarn Project matters. Well, it was truly wonderful. Thank you all, so very much. You made me feel very happy, yesterday.
So...9 days left, before I leave crocheting, and take up loom knitting. We are now in the single digits, of the countdown, and I am practically bubbling over, with excitement. I have my loom workbook (Loom Knitting Primer), on the black ottoman, right beside my Drew Emborksy book. I made a promise, to this loom knitting book, as I pulled it out of my yarn cabinet. I compared it, to my crochet workbook, which is in a truly sad state. "Don't worry," I said, clutching the book, to my chest. "I will try to be a bit kinder, to you." (It is my goal, not to completely DESTROY this book, as I 'sadly' wound up doing, to my copy of I Taught Myself Crochet. I am even thinking of making a book cover, out of a paper bag...You know, like the kind, you make, for school books.)
So, yesterday, after writing my post, I went to my stash, and pulled out two balls of yarn. A bright orange, and hot pink. (Bright, I know. But, I told you...I like vibrant. And, bright color combos seem happy. These children need happiness.) With my two (almost neon) balls of yarn, I went to my chaise.
I started working on the beanie. Three rows of orange down, and my mom wanted to leave the house, to go run errands. I went along.
2 hours. That's how long we were out. No big deal. On the way home, we had to go, right by Walmart.
"Hey," I said, as the store came into view. "Can we stop by Walmart? I want to get some yarn." I wanted to get one of those skeins, of variegated Red Heart yarn...the skein, that has like 8 different colors in it. This would make a rockin' children's beanie.
"Nope!" My mom looked at me. "I just really want to go home. Besides, you have more yarn, than you will ever know what to do with." We drove, right by Walmart.
I cannot be mad at her. I mean, really...How could she understand? She isn't a yarnie. She will NEVER know, the truth. No matter how much yarn, I may have...IT WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH! There will ALWAYS be one more skein, that I simply must have. Who cares that my yarn cabinet is threatening to EXPLODE, and send balls of fiber, EVERYWHERE? There is always the unused clothes hamper, in my closet. That could hold (at least) 30 skeins. And what about the unused desk, in my room. I mean, hello...We are talking about some serious yarn-storing potential here! (Come on mom...Work with me, here! How am I ever going to become the World Record Holder, for INDIVIDUAL WITH THE MOST YARN STASHED, if you keep shutting me down, because 'I have more yarn that I will ever know what to do with'?)
Being denied the opportunity, to buy more yarn, I did what any rational yarnie would do. I crossed my arms, in front of my chest, and pouted, for the rest of the drive home.
When I got home, I went straight to my chaise, and continued work, on the orange, and pink beanie. As I worked on it, I decided to NOT ask for the opinions, of my family, once I was finished. After all...I KNEW I would not like what I heard. (My family just does not appreciate vibrant colors. They are more into the dreary, dull, and downright depressing color tones.)
I finished, and decided to take the beanie, to my room, and put it in the box, where the other beanies are.
But, when I got to my room, I saw my sweetie pie.
"Oh, my...those are rather BOLD colors, aren't they? Michael, why would you..."
"Awe, thanks, babe!" I decided it was best to interrupt, at that point. Then, I played it smart. I said something, knowing that it would be the FINAL words, on the beanie. "I'm SO glad you like it!" (These words acted as a kind of trap. My sweetie KNEW there was only one way, to get out of this. A nod, and a smile.
"I'm just gonna grab some more yarn, for another beanie." I went to my stash, smiling rather broadly. I grabbed a ball of variegated (blue, white, green, and tan), and a ball of blue.
I then left the room, and went to my crochet corner. (What will I call this section, where my chaise is, when I am no longer crocheting? Hmmm...)
And, I made a second beanie. For this beanie, I did rounds 1-9, in variegated yarn, and the final round (10), in blue. It is FRIGGIN awesome looking.
I took this beanie, to the box, and went to put the balls of yarn, back in my stash. And then, while at my yarn cabinet, I opened drawer 2, where I keep all my Yummy yarn. I pulled out some yarn, that was donated, to me. A simply wonderful green yarn. (55% Superfine Alpaca, 23% Wool, 22% Silk.) I ran this yarn across my cheek, and giggled. This yarn is HEAVEN. Sheer bliss! It is the MOST DELIGHTFUL yarn, that I have ever had the pleasure, of holding in my hands.
I took this yarn, with me, to the living room. I sat down, beside my sweetie, on the red couch, to watch TV. As I stared at the screen, I continued to rub this yarn against my face, and occasionally, I would sigh.
"What the hell is wrong, with you?" My sweetie glanced at me, as though I were criminally insane.
"This yarn is so FRIGGIN delightful!"
"You are completely PSYCHO! You know that, right?"
"That's me," I said, still running the yarn over my cheek. "Michael...The Psycho Yarnie!"
As for today...
I am going to be making TWO more beanies. I have decided two beanies, per day, is completely doable. And, it is necessary. I find that I cannot make it through the day, without having an allotted amount of time, to play with yarn. The fiber keeps me centered.
Before I go...
Many of you, yesterday, asked to see a picture, of the beanies. So, last night, after finishing Beanie #4, I set them up, and took a picture. Here they are.
See...They are bright, and fun. I think they will make some children VERY happy, indeed.
Well...I am off. Time to go, work with yarn.
Happy crocheting!

timespan, stash, 8 months, fiber, workbooks, crocheted, memoir, yarn, blog, book, timeline, beanies, crochet, yarnie, 2 years, donate, timeframe, crocheting, part one, deadline

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