Jan 18, 2011 09:42
This morning has been a doozie, of a morning. And not the 'good kind' of doozie, where everything is hectic, but somehow, it all falls in place. No, my friends. This morning has been a 'bad' doozie...a 'HORRIBLE' doozie, of a morning. Things have been hectic, and tempers are boiling. My mom is beyond stressed (for reasons that I will not go into, here.) Needless to say, she has a LOT on her shoulders, and it seems as though it's all falling apart. She is stressed. And, the worst part...There is NOTHING I can do, to help her out.
I had my coffee this morning, alone. My mom had been talking, briefly, about her many stresses, before locking herself in her room. I know none of it is my fault. She never made it sound, as though it was. And yet, as I sat on the red couch, in the living room, drinking my coffee, I felt like shit. (God, what I wouldn't give, to see her happy, for just a moment. To see a smile, would be awesome. She has been so stressed, for so long.)
After I finished my coffee, I submitted to the knowledge that today is just destined to be a STINKER, of a day. There is NO way, around it. (Hey, not every day can be roses, and honey, I guess.)
There are a few things that have made me smile, this morning, which I would like to share with you. 1: (I really don't believe this!) I looked on my paypal account, as I do every morning. And, there it was...typed up clear as day. Another donation has generously been made, to The Yarn Project. (Thank you to ALL of you, who have donated. It is simply AMAZING to know that people care, that much. It makes me feel proud, to write this blog. And, it gives me the desire, to keep plugging along, with The Yarn Project.) And 2: A live journal blogger (gracewillow), gave me my very first gift, for my blog. A cute little baby otter. Thank you!
So, yesterday.
Well, as I said I would, I went all friggin STEPFORD, on my house. The kitchen was not just clean. It was sparkling. The stainless steel was so shiny, it threatend to blind. I even went out into the garden, and picked a bouquet of roses, to put on the table. The wood all got dusted. The floors, mopped. The bathroom, got worked over. It is now sparkling.
By the time I was done, I WAS EXHAUSTED!
I went to my stash of yarn. "No better time..." I began to make sense, of the unruly knots and tangles. I seperated purple yarn, from brown, from green, from...well, you get the idea. I was balling yarn, for what seemed like an eternity. I HATE BALLING YARN!(I think that prisoners should be forced to ball yarn. I can guarantee that, after only a few minutes, they would begin to see the error of their ways. Talk about crime, and punishment.) The whole time, I was in my room, balling away, I was a pistol. I was cursing, I was whining. I was actively doing the 'stressed so bad, I run my fingers through my hair nonstop' thing, and I swore that, if anyone so much as opened the door, they were going to see a side of Michael, that would haunt them, for YEARS to come. (I once heard someone say that working with yarn is an almost spiritual experience. If this is the case, then I can guarantee, that balling yarn, is the equivalent, of being placed in the very worst pit of Hell!) I would ball yarn, and almost be done, with a ball. And, like it was planned, the ball would jump out of my hands, roll across the floor, and unravel itself, at an almost unnartural speed. This, of course, would take the cursing to an all time high. (If you live in, or around the Winchester area, I am pretty sure that you heard me, as I cursed away. Sorry, about that.)
It was well after 8 pm, by the time that I was done, with my yarn-balling torture.
I went, and had dinner, and hot tea.
Then, I went to my chaise. After spending hours balling yarn, I was, in no way, particularly happy, with the knowledge that I still had to crochet. But, it was just a little ear. No big deal.
And, it wasn't. I zoomed, right through that ear.
To catch you up, here is what I have completed, so far. I have the front of the body, and the back, done. I have worked all 4 lion arms/legs (which drove me to the brink of insanity.) I have both ears done.
Today, I will work the tail. This should be beyond easy.
Then, tomorrow, I will FINISH my cute little Amigurumi Lion.
Well...time to go. I have got to hold everything together, at Fort Leach. I need to convince my mom that a day out, will in fact, be great. I need to cook breakfast, for everyone. When she is gone, doing whatever, to calm herself, I need to bake her a nice cake. (Because, let's be honest...who doesn't LOVE cake.) Then, I need to make her favorite dinner, this evening.
And, I have to attack the tail.
Today will be super busy.
Happy crocheting!
8 months,
time spane,
2 years,
part 1,