I'm Going To Lose It!!!

Jan 17, 2011 11:19

I was thinking, about The Yarn Project, this morning. I was sipping my coffee (with Irish Creme), and watching TLC. (They were showing this program, where people were making these EXTREME cakes. They were pretty damned cool.) One of the ladies, working on one of the cakes, said something, while adding fondant.
"Each time I start a cake, I think to myself 'how am I going to do this?' I see all these ingredients, in front of me. I know they have to come together, to make a cake. And, I know I CAN do it...but looking at those seperate ingredients, intimidates me..."
My mind went zooming back, to June 9, 2010.
I had my book, for the crochet part of The Yarn Project. I had my hooks. I had the yarn. I had the desire. Yet, just like the lady on the TV, I was intimidated, to HIGH HELL!
And, I thought about each project, I have started. I had my copy of I Taught Myself Crochet, right in front of me, as I worked each project (minus the HUGE granny square afgan.) I had the 'recipe', for each project. Yet, as I sat there, I would wonder. "How in the heck am I going to work this single strand of yarn, into THAT?" ('That', of course, being the project I was taking on.)
Is there anything more intimidating, than starting something new? Even starting the Amigurumi Lion, I found myself intimidated. I know the stitches, used, in the pattern. I know that, somehow, I will be able to work this lion. But, at the beginning, there is just the yarn, the pattern, and the weapon of choice (in my case, the crochet hook.) Think about it...There are so many ways, it can go wrong.
Then, when I finish a project, I ALWAYS find myself so surprised, by how good, it comes out.
Ok...Enough with that little rant.
Let's go into the FUN, that was yesterday. (Just so you know, the word 'FUN' is written, with sarcastic undertones.)
First, there was making the cell phone case, that is on my Etsy shop. I used this new yarn. It was some of the yarn, my neighbor brought over. It is very pretty. And, it is a monster to work with. To make matters worse, I decided to work with the afghan stitch. Needless to say, working with fluffy yarn, and using this stitch, is NOT exactly an easy task.
Yet, even as it challenged me...Even as the yarn would fray, and give me complete HELL, I kept my cool. I did not swear. I did not cry. (That would come later.) I did not throw my hook, or the yarn. I just kept right on going. Going, until I got it done.
I must admit, it is nice. I really like it.
Once the cell phone case was done, I went for a little walk. I grabbed my forearm canes, and went for a few laps, around the house. Let me just say, these canes are easier to walk with, than my walker. I get around faster. I haven't fallen once (knock on wood). And, I feel like I have more balance.
So, after walking around, I allowed myself a beer. Icy cold Coors, on a warm day, after working up a sweat. It was all good.
Then, it was back to the yarn. I went to tackle another part of the lion.
Here is where the day went to shit!
I walked inside, and freaked out, over what I saw.
"NOOOOOO!!!" I screamed so loud, my dog instantly dropped it, and ran, with tail tucked, into hiding.
But, it was too late. The damage was done.
One lion appendage, had been gnawed into something unrecognizable.
I picked up the slobbery ball of yarn, and I cried. There was nothing else I could do. The tears poured down my face. I knew it was silly. I knew I was being over-emotional. But, I didn't care! I flung myself on the chaise, and buried my face in a pillow, and I wailed. I felt somewhat silly, even as I was having my breakdown. I knew it was ridiculous. But, it just wasn't fair. I had the worst time, working those appendages.
My dog, finally deciding it was safe to approach me, came over to the chaise. He jumped up, onto it, and started appologetically, licking my cheek.
"Damn you!" I whispered, still sobbing. "Why the lion arm?" He kept right on licking, and nuzzling my face, until I stopped crying. I smiled at him, called him a "little shit!", and sat up, on the chaise.
I grabbed my yarn, my hook, and I made ANOTHER arm.
Once done, I put the arm, in my craft bag, and stored it, out of dog's reach.
I went for another walk. Then, I got in the jacuzzi. Then...It was dinner time.
After dinner, I still had to work one more thing. I had to work an ear, for my lion. But, that shouldn't take too long. So, I put it off.
I watched a movie, while sipping a glass of wine. (Let me tell you, that movie...Well, that is two hours of my life, that I will NEVER get back. It was just awful.) After the movie, I spent about an hour, reading a book. Then, finally (at 10:30 pm), I decided it was time to work the lion's ear. So, to the chaise.
Well...Time for another disaster.
I realized that I could not find my pattern, for the lion. I looked in my craft bag (where I swore I put it.) It wasn't there. It wasn't on the chaise. It wasn't on the floor, by the chaise. Where was it?
"Shit!" I screamed, frantically tearing apart, my litte crochet corner. "Damn, damn, DAMN!"
"What is WRONG?" My sweetie pie came running, to the chaise.
"I can't find it!" I felt a chill, running down my spine. (I know you are thinking that I could just go online, and find the pattern, right? Well...I could not, for life of me, remember who published the pattern.) "I can't find the FRIGGIN pattern, for the lion." I said this, and I felt dizzy. Honestly dizzy. Without this pattern, I would not be able to finish this lion. I would fail. February 8th, would come, and I would be sitting here, with only parts of the lion done, with no way to finish it. 'Oh God,' I thought. 'After all this time, I am going to lose.'
It was then, that my sweetheart started to laugh.
"What the hell are you laughing at?" It angered me, hearing the laughter. This was no time to laugh. "This isn't FUNNY! Help me find the FRIGGIN pattern!"
"Here." Laughing still (perhaps even louder), my sweetie pulled the pattern, from a pocket. "It fell out of your shirt pocket, earlier today. When you pulled out the cell phone case, to show me." I grabbed the pattern, and took a deep breath. "You were off, and walking away, before I saw it, on the ground. So, I put it in my pocket."
"Thank you, GOD!"
By now, it was 11 pm. Once I calmed down, I realized just how tired I was. But, I had to do the ear. ONE LITTLE EAR...That is all that stood, between me, and sleep.
I grabbed my blue 'G' hook, and yarn, and I got to work.
The ears are made up, of 3 rounds. And, at the end of the pattern, for each round, it tells you the count of stitches (which makes working the round even easier.) First, you chain 2. Then, in the 1st chain, you work 6 single crochets. That is it, for round one. For round two, you work 2 single crochets, in each single crochet, of the previous round (12 sc, total). For the third round, you work two single crochets, in the first sc, then one single crochet, in the next. You repeat this around, and wind up with 18 sc, total. Then, you fasten it off. That is it. With those three little rounds, the ear is done!
After working this ear, I had one more thing to do, before going to bed.
I decided it would be wise, to make, not just one, but two copies, of the Amigurumi Lion pattern. (I highly doubt that, within the few days left, of working this lion, I will able to lose THREE copies, of this pattern.) I put the original pattern, in my craft bag. One of the copies, is in the desk, this computer rests on. The other copy, is in my bedroom, in the cabinet, where I keep all my yarn.
With the patterns now scattered, in different places, I went to my bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I went into a coma-like sleep.
I woke up, this morning, completely refreshed.
Today, I will work the 2nd ear, for the lion. But, that is all I will do, on the yarn front. Then, I will go into a cleaning fit. Every square inch of this house, will be SPOTLESS, come nightfall.
Well...That is is, for today.
Happy crocheting!

lion, timespan, 8 months, workbooks, crocheted, pattern, yarn, amigurumi, blog, meltdown, timeline, yarnie, crochet, 2 years, memoire, books, timeframe, crocheting, project, worry, deadline, part 1

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