Sigh of Relief...Then, Back To The Yarn

Nov 28, 2010 12:19

I woke up today, at 7 am. I came out of my room. And, it was all so blissful.
Family members have gone back home, and the house is now quiet. Blissfully quiet.
 Now, don't get me wrong, I love my sister, and her daughter (who were visiting, this weekend.) And, yes...It is always a joy to have them here. I always enjoy spending quality time, with them.
But, just as much as I love it, when they come to visit, I love it equally, when they decide to head home. The yelling goes away. The teenage attitude (in full force, most of time time), heads home, with my niece. Things go back to normal. Or, as normal as they can get.
It is divine. (And, let's be honest...Most of us feel this way, about visiting family members...Right?)
It is a bright, beautiful day, in Winchester. The sky is crystal blue, and filled with cheery, white, puffy clouds. Birds are chirpping outside, and my dog is chasing a butterfly (an image that makes me laugh out loud.) It is the perfect temperature of 67 degrees. Sunny, but still cool enough, for a light long sleeve shirt. Oh, how I love days like this.
So, this morning, I started thinking about my upcoming anniversary. I visited the website of the hotel, where we are staying. I looked at the pictures, of our room. I thought of the wine gift basket, that I ordered (which will arrive at a neighbors house, just days before we go.) And, I am totally excited, about it. Big Bear. It is only 2 hours away, and yet, I have not been, since I was 7 years old. I hope it snows, while we are there. There is nothing better than snow.
So, last night, mid-mitten making, I decided to toss out the mittens. After all, I am not even sure my baby would like them. Would it have just been one of those "thought that counts" gifts, that I never see being used? I was afraid that the answer was a big, fat YES! So, I unraveled the 80% finished mitten, and began making the new, more practical gift. A bath set. So far, I have made a washcloth, and am half way through a back scrubber.
I must say, I am beginning to feel completely BOGGED down, when it comes to the list of crochet projects, I have in front of me. I mean, part of me knows I will finish each project. I will accomplish what I have set out to do. But, then there is that other part. That part of the brain, that likes to scream out doubt.
There is no way, Michael. NO FRIGGIN WAY! You know that! what. You made three hats, in a matter of days. Guess what? You have a lot more to do...TOO much more, to do! There is no way you will finish. You might as well just retire your hooks now. There is no way you will ever be able to finish everything! You will fail. FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL! (Insert menacing laugh here.)
I try to silence this part of my brain. But, it is too strong. It will not be ignored.
Even as I crocheted, this morning, this inner voice, was spouting off nastiness.
Oh, if only there was a mute button, for this voice. Life would be so much easier.
So, for the Bright Nights Wrap/Throw...
Well, let's be honest. For the past few days, I have put this project, on the back-burner. I have engaged myself in other projects. I have convinced myself (even if only in the smallest measure) that the Christmas gifts I am crocheting are MORE important, than this throw.
Part of me wants to keep this project, tucked away in my craft bag, for yet another day.
I don't want to do this project. I just have no desire, to even touch the white, or black yarn. And yet, even as I wish I could avoid it, I hear it. It calls to me, from inside my bag.
Michael....Michael...Michael. You should pull me out. You should work on me...TODAY! I know you don't want to. But, you have to. You know that. You have to bite the bullet, and put me together. After all, so much rests on me. If you don't finish me, you FAIL The Yarn Project. And, we both know you don't want to fail.
Damn you, evil throw. Oh, how I HATE, HATE, HATE this project!
I have just pulled out the white, and black yarn. Most yarn I absolutely adore. I love it, completely. But, these two particular skeins are horrible. I loathe them.
Fine...I will work on this throw, today.
So, at some point, today, I have a nurse coming to my house. She will be re-wrapping my pick-line. THANK GOD! The old wrapping is itching me, to high hell. I really cannot wait!
One last thing...
I think I will spend today, decorating our Christmas Tree. Normally, we don't even get a tree, until December 9 (the day after my birthday.) But, this year, at the grocery store, they had a great deal on big, potted Christmas Trees. Needless to say, I couldn't help myself.
Well, I should get going. As much as I wish it would, this Bright Nights Wrap/Throw, will not be making itself.
I am off, to tinker with yarn.
Thanks for reading, everyone.
Happy crocehting.

fiber, crocheted, gifts, pattern, recovery, anniversary, yarn, madness, crochet, yarnie, christmas, holidays, crocheting, mad, evil, part one, humor, project

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