Perfect On A Pinch

Nov 27, 2010 14:46

"What is missing from my day?"
This was the question, that buzzed around in my head, as I sat on my bed, with my yarn, and my hook.
Hmmm...Let's see?
I woke up. I had my coffee. I parked my ass, on the chaise, and got busy with my yarn.  I had another cup of coffee. I had myself some homemade tamales, for breakfast. I took a little nap. I woke up, and grabbed my yarn. I crocheted, happily plopped on my bed...
Something was off. Something was missing. I knew that I was forgetting something fundamental. But what could it be???
Oh, yeah...
To write an entry, today.
Here it is, after 2pm, and I am writing. I just plum forgot, to even check my blog, until just moments ago. I have to admit, I find this a little bit weird. I mean, how could I forget my blog? After all, I have only been writing in here, since June 9. It's not like it should embedded, in my head, or anything.
God, what a goober.
Oh least I remembered.
This morning, I finished my uncle's beanie. All three of my Christmas hats, are now done! Yippee! And, I love each and every hat. I wish I could show them, in this blog. But, I am afraid that, should I post a picture, these presents might be 'found out.' So, you will just have to trust me, when I say that these hats TOTALLY friggin rock.
I had plans to stay home, yesterday, and crochet, crochet, crochet. I would have been happy, spending my black friday, tangled up, in yarn.
Yeah...but I had to go to JoAnn. I was in DESPERATE need of another skein of hunter green yarn.
How bad can JoAnn's possibly be? This was the thought, rolling through my mind, as I climbed into the car. I am sure that this store will be relatively empty. I should be in, and out, in no time flat.
That wasn't how it was.
And, let mre just say this.
The local crafters, in my area, are BITCHY! I swear to God, JoAnn's was jam-packed, of fabric-hunters, and yarnies. There were tons of painters, scrapbookers, and general Holiday shoppers. And, not a one of them were pleasant. In fact, I would dare to say,. JoAnn's quite possibly, was the center for the rudest black friday shoppers.
There was one skein of hunter green yarn, out on the floor. I approached it, and looked at it, with that same joy, that I get, whenever I look at yarn. I was in a trance, staring at this hunter green yarn. I really did not even see it coming.
Some middle-aged yarnie actually grabbed hold of my wheelchair, and pushed me out of the way, without even asking if it was ok. Ok, first off, personal bubble. I mean, hello. Then, as I am recovering from the shock of what happened, this rude lady grabs, you guessed it...the hunter green yarn.
There was only one reason, I did not break down, right then and there. Only one thing kept me, from tears. A worker walked by, and I asked if any of the yarn, was in the back. He went to check. And, what seemed like an eternity later, he came back to me, with hunter green yarn.
Hah! Take that, super bitch. You may have crossed more than one boundary. But, guess what...You most definately did not get the last skein of hunter green yarn.
Even as I write this, I am in total shock. I mean, she PUSHED my wheelchair, out of her way. That is like pushing a stroller, away from a parent. It is wrong. JUST WRONG!
Then, I had to go wait in line. Now, the local JoAnn's is known for having long lines. But, this went beyond a 'long line.'
Two hours later, I made it to the register, and felt like an idiot. I waited, for two hours, and all I was getting was ONE FRIGGIN SKEIN OF YARN!
It was hell. Being out yesterday was total HELL!
Atter JoAnn's, I made a bee-line, for home.
Never again. JoAnn's, on black friday= EVIL!
Today, I started working on a scarf, for my mother. I am a good way into it, and, I must say...I LOVE IT.
I took a pattern, of a granny square, and I just went wild with it. In the center of the scarf, there are huhnter green clusters. Surrounding these clusters, burgudy yarn, in a granny square pattern. (I know, I know...not a good explanation. But, hey...I tried.)
After writing this entry, I will be throwing more tamales, down my throat. (They are just so damn good.) I will take a little break, from my yarn, and associate with family. Then, I will go back, to working on the Christmas gifts. (I still have mittens, and wrist warmers, to make.) Then, tomorrow, I will go back, to the Bright Nights Wrap/Throw. Row two, I will work you tomorrow.
So, that is it. My writing is done, and now that "I have forgot something"  feeling has left.
Happy crocheting.

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