Nov 20, 2011 22:59
Tonight will be day 10 of Sammy sleeping on his own pillow! It's so nice to not be woken up with him pushing against me. I'm not sure why I didn't think of this before, sheesh.
Busy day today. We rearranged the downstairs, flip-flopping the living/dining rooms. The dining room is a bit smaller, but it's also warmer because there's only 1 window. The living room is now the cats playroom. Goose was running around like he was high on crack after we got a majority of the stuff moved. Luey is a bit freaked out, but that's normal for him, he doesn't like change. Peepers thought it was a good idea to get on top of the flat screen tv, while it was sitting upright. Yeah, she looked like she was walking a tight rope. Thankfully it doesn't appear that she scratched the screen, but I need to check again tomorrow. I guess it's a good thing we clipped their nails Friday night! :)
We have our bankruptcy meeting on Tuesday with the trustee who is over seeing everything for the court. This is the time that the creditors can object to our filing, etc. Our lawyer said that the creditors rarely call in to object, but it's always possible. I'm not exactly sure what to expect with the meeting. Hopefully everything goes smoothly.
Saw my new therapist on Friday. I really like her. Going back in 1 month and once we have some things worked out, Jon's going to go with me. She actually encouraged it. Yay!
I'm pooped, too much moving furniture today. Off to bed.