
Aug 25, 2010 13:07

Working in the shop this morning/afternoon to help out. IL’s are in MA for the week and SIL had to head down to Falls Church for a call. So I’m here, working GH and answering the phone and helping people when they come in. I don’t mind helping out, but I don’t like trying to help people when I don’t have a clue as to what I’m doing. I’m not the type of person that can “wing it” by any means. I like to know what I’m doing. Not to mention, it makes me feel/look like I’m an idiot when I don’t know anything.
I felt like this when I first started at the hotel. People ask questions, and I haven’t the slightest idea. My social anxiety in full force too, when I’m in unfamiliar situations.

Ahh. Hopefully only another hour or 2.

Decided that I’m going to cancel/suspend DirecTV for a while. Can’t really justify spending $85/mo when we can get 90% of the shows online. Just have to wait a week or 2 until they’re available, but that’s a small price to pay.

Need to figure out other things to cut/sell. Unfortunately, a lot of people are in the same boat, so selling stuff has been very difficult, especially in this town. And actually, we don’t have much left to sell, since we sold a lot when we moved to M’burg. I need to start using my knitting machine again. I got a replacement part for the part I was having issues with, but haven’t set it back up to try it! I want to make golf club socks, since they’re easy to make and can be customized to what ever color people want. I’m hoping that would off set my hotel pay, so I could quit, but I doubt I would be able to sell $600 worth of socks in a month! One can hope?

Eh, I have all these grand ideas, but lack the motivation to follow through with any of it. I was thinking that I could join a gym as well, with the money we’ll be saving by cancelling DTV, but I know that would last a week, and then I’d stop going. Sitting here, my belly is sticking out so badly, I look like I’m pregnant. *sigh* I’ve got to do something. I think my headaches are related too, so if I lose some weight, I should feel better all around.

Ok, enough of my random rambling.

Originally published at www.theworldofhelen.com. You can comment here or there.

me, work, crafts, health

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