
Aug 21, 2010 12:29

My headaches have gotten out of control, and over the last couple of days I’ve been severally dizzy as well. Decided I needed to go to the Dr.

After checking me over, my blood pressure was 142/93. Not great, but not horrible either. He looked back at my history and noted that when I’m in pain, my blood pressure has been high, and on subsequent visits it’s been back to normal. So the combination of the pain from my headache, and the stress I’ve been under is causing my BP to be higher than normal. He also felt around on my neck and realized that my neck is in spasm which he’s 100% sure if causing my headaches. He asked if I was under any stress. Ha, just a little?
He had me lay down on my back, and he placed the tips of his fingers under the ridge on the back of my head. It’s suppose to stretch your neck muscles to relieve some of the tension. When he was doing that, I started getting the pressure in my face/head that I’ve been getting a lot lately, which signaled to him that this is indeed the problem. After about 5 mins, he said my muscles were still very tense. Lovely. It did help my headache a bit tho, which is good. He also gave me a prescription for a pain killer to use when it gets beyond bearable.

I’m hoping both of these things will help to ease the pain. I know it won’t truly ease until the stress has reduced, but one can hope!

Took tonight off from work (per the Dr.) and took next weekend off too. I need a break.

Originally published at www.theworldofhelen.com. You can comment here or there.

me, health

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