insurance & stuff

Mar 08, 2010 15:45

Got quotes from Geico, Progressive, and Allstate.  Allstate was almost $300/mo for the same coverage we have right now, Geico was about the same, but had some cheaper options but wasn’t the same coverage.  Progressive didn’t even offer the same coverage we have now.

So I guess we’ll be sticking to what we have.  I really can’t believe that the people in WV put up with this, it’s crazy!  No wonder they have such a high uninsured rate!


I’m going to be applying for a 3rd job tomorrow.  Just part-time working in a newspaper office answering phones and greeting people.  Nothing too hard or exciting, but we need more income coming in.  If I end up getting it, and I get enough money from it, I may quit the hotel.  I’m tired of the BS that’s going on there, not to mention the drive to and from.

Jon applied to The Woods Resort in Hedgesville yesterday.  It’s a huge resort that has a hotel, 2 golf courses, conference center, spa, tennis courts, couple of pools, fitness center, and some other stuff.  They’re hiring the golf staff now, so hopefully he’ll get it.  He has enough experience and his boss from BRS looooved him.  So we’ll see.  He’ll get a free membership, which would be AWESOME.


I really need a day off when I don’t have to do anything.  I guess the 3 weeks in Scotland should have been enough, but it just spoiled me.


Tomorrow Dad and I are heading down to the house to get things moving.  Need to get cracking and get the thing on the market because we can’t keep supporting to households.  We have sooo much stuff still at the house, it’s not even funny.  And honestly, about 95% of it is my stuff.  I like to hold on to things, like book reports from 6th grade, or notes/projects from school.  Yeah, I have a problem, but I’m not a hoarder!  I really need to go through it and start purging, it’s time.


I’m pooped.  I hate Monday’s.

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

insurance, work, jon work, house

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