
Mar 05, 2010 01:00

I can never get enough money to stop struggling.  I got a letter from our insurance (home/auto) company today, telling me about my rights regarding credit information on my policy.  Essentially they check my credit score in order to produce a “insurance score” which then determines my rate.  I’m sorry, but how on earth does that determine how safe of a driver I am?  I’ve had this company since I started driving (on Dad’s policy) and once I purchased my own car, I opened my own policy.  I pay on time every month, I’ve NEVER had a claim with them, and I’ve NEVER had a speeding ticket, or any type of ticket for that matter.  But yet, they’ll raise my rates because of my credit score?

How absurd is that?!  I guess that explains why my rate went up $25 last month.  It’s bad enough that it jumped up $50 when we moved to WV, and we’re not even here 4 months and it’s jumped up $25.  I just don’t get it.  They told me in the office that WV does have higher rates, because of all of the under and uninsured motorist in the state, but seriously.  Why do *WE* have to pay for it.  Ugh.


Picking up an extra shift at the hotel tomorrow night because V wanted the night off since it’s her 25th wedding anniversary.  That’s great for me, since we can really use the money right now.  Being off the hotel for 3 weeks has killed us along with Jon being off a week due to the weather.  Don’t have enough money to pay the electric bill for this place, or the propane bill (and I know we’re out of fuel) at the house.  Thankfully the other utilities (here & the house) and pretty reasonable this month, but still,  we’re completely wiped out.  Not sure how we’re going to put gas in the cars this week!

I need to get our taxes done, but I’m still waiting for my 1099 for my contracting at gantthead.  And at this point I’m not even sure if we’re going to get anything back.


It always seems like I take 1 step forward and then 2 ginormous steps backwards.  As soon as we can get over the hump with the house and all that BS, things *should* start turning around, and that day isn’t going to get here soon enough.

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

work, money

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