I’m alive

Jul 19, 2009 08:08

This is a long overdue update, I suppose. It’s really early, like 7a early. I’ve been up all night, trying to get in to audit mode as I have to work the shift Monday night.

So anyways. Things are going, but not well, I’m afraid. My job stinks, and not just minor inconveinence type of stink. I won’t go in to too much detail because this *is* a public forum. There are some people that are great, but others that are as competent as a box of rocks, and downright disrespectful to the management staff. Of course the management staff acts like your best friend, so it’s hard to take them seriously. I like to do my job to the best of my ability, and when people aren’t doing their jobs, which in turn affects my ability to do *my* job, then it really pisses me off. And the sad part, no one cares. Then there’s the issue with my pay. I’m making crap for pay, but my boss told me the day she hired me, that after training and when I started working the audit shift, I would get a $1 raise. Well for the last several weeks I’ve been asking her about it, and she’s been dragging her feet. She *finally* spoke with the GM (General Manager) on Thursday. So they’re giving me the $1/hr raise, but ONLY on the days that I work audit. wtf. At this point I’m only working 1-2 days of day shift work, so they’re saving a whole $16! I’m completely baffled by this.

I’m actively looking for a new job, and am pretty much putting in an application every day to places in the area. I haven’t had one single call back. I even called one place after a week to check on things, and they were really short with me and said that they were still reviewing the applications. Sheesh. I’m afraid I’m going to be stuck in dead end, skill-less jobs for the rest of my life. Having no education is killing me. With the way the job market is right now, a Bachelor’s degree is an absolute must have, unlike back in the late 90’s when it didn’t matter as much. All I have is my experience, and for most places that’s not enough. I really miss gantthead.

We’re behind on the mortgage and most likely won’t be able to pay again. BoA (Bank of America - who bought our mortgage company, Countrywide) said that we pre-qualified for the “Making Homes Affordable Plan” that President Obama created back in March. But of course, there’s a catch. Because we did a modification back in January, we will most likely be denied for the modification. Now this isn’t a government rule, this is a BoA rule. Personally, I think it’s a load of crap. If I had known that Obama was going to come out with this government plan, and I was going to lose my job in April, then I by all means would have waited to do a modification. Like we all know, things don’t work that way. So I wrote BoA a letter and explained to them the situation that we’re in, and faxed them all of the required documentation that they needed in order to process our modification request. It’s a 45 day wait to hear if we qualify. But they seem to work on a different time line than the rest of the world, so it’ll most likely be 60-90 days. If we do happen to qualify and get the modication, our payment would go from $1800/mo down to $1100/mo, which is much more managable. I don’t pray, but I’m praying that we get approved. If we don’t, we’ll be heading down either the bankruptcy or foreclosure road and that scares me.

Because we are lacking insurance at the moment, I’ve had to stretch my medications as long as I could, which meant skipping days here and there. The Dr. wouldn’t refill my prescriptions with out coming in to see her, and we honestly couldn’t afford $175 just so she could give me a piece of paper. I managed to find a clinic in the area that helps the uninsured, but they had a 3.5 week wait. I booked the appointment and ended up calling my Dr in the mean time. There wasn’t much else I could do, I can’t be a normal human being without them. I explained my situation to the Dr and was pleasantly surprised to hear her say she wouldn’t charge me for the visit. What a relief! So I walked out with a prescription for a 3 month supply. She was also going to hook me up with some free samples but they were unfortunately out of my meds.
Thankfully, the medication is generic, so both scripts only cost $36, which I can definetly handle. Now I just have to wait until 8/13 for my appointment at the clinic.

I’m depressed, there’s no doubt about it. With all of the work, money, and mental issues, it’s been very difficult. And in the last few months it seems like everyone getting pregnant. Don’t get me wrong, I’m 150% happy for all of you, but it makes me sad. Sad about the things that Jon and I won’t be able to share together because we don’t have the money that’s required. Right now, I don’t need to hear that it’ll happen one day, or it’ll happen when the time is right. I understand that, but it doesn’t make things hurt any less. I’m extremely raw with this subject at the moment, and I’m afraid I’m going to say something to upset one or more of you, and that’s the last thing I want to do right now. So I’ll leave it at that.

So that’s pretty much what’s going on in my life right now. I’m still reading and commenting when I have something to say, but sitting back for a while until I can get my head on straight. I’m over on Facebook more than I’m on my blog or LJ. So if you want to get in touch with me, that’s where I am.

Originally published at www.theworldofhelen.com. Please leave any comments there.

update, work, money, house

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