Where has the time gone…

Jun 23, 2009 05:56

Well, it’s been a while.  I’ve been reading and keeping up to date with everyone, just haven’t felt like posting.  Since I lost my job I haven’t felt like being on the computer much, it’s boring for me now.  Most days I don’t bother turning it on.  So I’ll do a quick recap of the last several weeks.

- Got a new job.  It’s not the greatest, but it’s a job.  I’m working the front desk at the Holiday Inn here in town.  It’s the hotel that is part of the golf course where Jon works part-time.  Unfortunately at this point it’s only part-time but I’m hoping to go full time soon.
- Got a new phone.  The much anticipated palm Pre.  All I can say is that I’m in love.

- All of the animals are doing well.  Goose has turned in to a giant monster, he’s huge!  He still has his tiny little head tho.

That’s really all that’s going on, at least worth mentioning.  I’m actually posting this from my phone at work, cause it’s so boring working the audit shift.  Anycase my thumbs hurt and guests are starting to wake up!  I may post more substance later.

Originally published at www.theworldofhelen.com. Please leave any comments there.

update, work

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