ER visit

Mar 13, 2009 23:21

I managed to land myself in the ER tonight.  Fun stuff.  For the last couple of days I’ve had heart palpatations, no biggie.  I’ve had them before and they mysteriously go away as fast as they mysteriously appear.  Tonight, however, I was laying on the couch and they were happening every 45-60 seconds and weren’t stopping.  So I told Jon I should prolly go to the ER.  For the first 30 mins we were there - nothing.  My blood pressure was a bit high, but nothing to be overly alarmed about.  I did notice before we left the house that they seemed to happen more frequently when I was laying down, so I told the nurse and he had me lay flat on my back.  Not even 20 mins after that, they started happening again.  Only 9-10 in the matter of 20 mins and then they stopped again.  Thankfully they were able to see them on the monitor tho.  Looks like I’m throwing PVC’s (premature ventricular contraction’s).  The Dr. said it’s a common thing, and at this point after the bloodwork and EKG they did, it’s not life threatening.  I have an order to place on Monday with outpatient services to get a 24 hour heart monitor so they can see how many I throw in a day to determine if something else is going on.  I doubt it’s anything, but it’s better to be safe, than sorry - especially when it comes to the heart!

Of course, now that I’m sitting down and typing this, they’re happening again.  Yay.  I’ll keep everyone posted on the results of the 24 hour test.

Nothing else is really going on, which is why I’ve been quiet. :)  I REALLY need to start posting again on a regular basis.

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

me, health

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