oh, hai

Feb 20, 2009 17:37

I guess I should post, huh.  I totally blew this new year’s resolution out the window!

I’m back, safe and sound.  The flight back was horrid.  Over 2 hours of VERY bumpy turbulence, even during meal service which made it a bit of a challenge.  All said and done, it was a good trip. :)  Thanks again ioevri1!

Since I’ve been home I’ve been cleaning up the house a little bit at a time.  Jon claimed that he cleaned while I was gone, but the only evidence I saw of that were the stairs swept (after I asked him to do it) and some dishes were cleaned.  Other than that, the house looked exactly the same.  Go figure.

Goose was REALLY happy to have me home.  He ignored me the first night, but the next day he was all up in my face again.  And boy, did he grow!  It’s amazing in just 2.5 weeks what will happen.  He’s as big as Peepers now, tho his head has some catching up to do.  The rest of the crew didn’t seem to mind that I was home, tho Sam decided he HAD to sleep with me for the first week I was home.  Now he’s back down on the couch at night.  I guess it was his way of saying he missed me.

While I was gone, Jon mentioned to me that weird things were happening in the house.  Doors were open, things were on the ground that shouldn’t be, etc.  He’s convinced we have some sort of paranormal activity going on now.  I kinda thought we did, especially after that issue I had with the lamp in our bedroom, but now he believes too.  Due to this, he decided that he didn’t want to stay down in his “man cave” (aka the basement) any more.  So we rearranged the office and moved his desk back up here with me.

I also decided to color my hair again.  This go ’round I’m doing purple.  I did the DIY type the other day and it didn’t come out like I had hoped.  It was a different brand than I was used to and way too complicated, so it came out a bit pastelly.  So while I was getting my hair cut today, I decided that I’d have them color it as well.  Now it’s the complete opposite of pastel.  The purple is so dark that it almost looks black!  I’m sure after a few shampoo’s it’ll lighten itself up, but in the mean time, I’ll have to deal with it.  The pastel purple that I did a couple days ago has faded to pink, which makes my head look kinda funky, but in a good way. :)  Here’s a picture:

From Heather through the years
So that’s about all that’s going on.  I’m back on Weight Watchers after a 2.5 week hiatis while in Scotland and I almost wish I had stuck to it!  I gained 8 lbs while I was there.  The thought of it makes me sick to my stomach.  So along with WW, my company is having it’s own little “Biggest Loser” competition in the office, so I decided to join.  We have to pay $5 each week at the weigh-in, andif we gain any weight we have to pay $2 per pound.  I think that’s more than enough incentive to get back to losing!  At the end, the 2nd place winner wins their money back, and the winner gets the remainder of the pot.  So they’re looking at a minimum of $250.  Money to buy new clothes!

Originally published at www.theworldofhelen.com. Please leave any comments there.

weight watchers, scotland, cats, update, pictures, travelling, hair

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