City of Heroes: Architect

Apr 13, 2009 16:39

I played "City of Villains" for about 10 minutes one day (while i spend probably 10 glorious hours in the character creation screen)...

There was a lot about it I liked, and enough that I didn't that I never really got into it... (combined with me being pretty solidly engrossed in WoW at the time)

But I gotta tell you, the mere CONCEPT of Architect is enough to get my attention... I've heard a couple good things about it, and it could be the "thing" that becomes the next revolution for MMOs (probably not COH/COV, just because they are still out on the fringe and getting long in the tooth)... but character created content fills the hole that plagues action oriented MMOs like COH, Conan, Warhammer... etc... if you aren't going to pay for really great writers... at least let the players do the job...

(caveat, of course, the multitudes of HORRIFYINGLY BAD content developers that you are also inviting in)

LotRO could use something like that... but instead of being able to create your own missions, you could create armor and clothing that didn't look lame (same stats mind you, just different appearance).  Unless you're a Loremaster... then you couldn't, because Turbine likes to arbitrarily fuck with loremasters.

On a side note... I tried the Age of Conan with my fantastically nerdilicious xray-spex the other day, we played up to a level where she could actually afford armor that actually did something, and put clothes on... I'm not sure if it was related, but we got bored and quit within 30 minutes of that.

Boobs for the win! Bland cloth tunics for the lose.

boobs, games, geek

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