Who: Wheeljack, Red
What: Wheeljack's been so busy dealing with Zack, and William Jesse, and getting Orihime settled in . . . he's completely flaked on a promise he made to Red. Red's none too happy about this.
Where: Ground Zero
When: Saturday afternoon
Warnings: A human going tsundere on someone four times her size?
Wheeljack was in his private room off the main workshop area, pouring over books and other media he'd retrieved from the Library. One way or another, they were going to figure out what had happened to Zack and how to reverse it . . . and who had done this! One step at a time, though. He could hardly put out an APB over the network or some such thing - more likely than not, someone out there had done this to Zack, and they needed to not give him any information or advantage - and Zack wasn't talking, so . . .
Self-help topics, brainwashing, hypnosis, mind-altering drugs . . . anything and everything the mech had come across in the archives of the Library had been checked out, and they were going over it all as quickly as possible.
But there was something Wheeljack was forgetting. Or least, he had a mild niggle in the back of his processor that he was. With everything that'd been going on, though, he just couldn't figure out what. Oh well . . . it was probably something to do with one of his projects, and everything had been put on hold for now, so whatever it was wasn't important right now anyway. He'd think of it later when he needed it - of that, he was sure. In the meantime . . .
The works of James Braid, Hippolyte Bernheim, Sigmund Freud, and Pierre Janet were of far more interest to the mechanical engineer than they ever would be otherwise.