In case you missed it, Whedonesque linked today
this cool game where you try to come up with as many Buffy episodes as you can in 20 minutes.
I'm not satisfied with my results at all: it's 99 out of 144 episodes. I've got quite balanced numbers of missed episodes per season, with most (9) in Season 4 and least (6) in seasons 2, 6, 7, if I exclude the first season where I missed three (which is extra sucky, considering I had a post about S1 just yesterday). Interestingly, I missed the third most guessed episode, Angel (I shouldn't have, it's quite an easy one, it's probably because I don't care much about it), and guessed the second least guessed episode, Never Leave Me (no wonder, it's the last episode I've watched). I'll have to get back to this game, I want to score better, dammit!
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The next thing I want to pimp was linked by
xlivvielockex who originally forwarded it from
the_jackalope - but I figured the more people see it the better. :)
Riot Nrrd Comics, geeky feminist comics with frequent Whedony references, starring Whedon!puppy and plenty of awesome female characters. I fell in love with it immediately.
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I've been rewatching Buffy, Six Feet Under ('cause I'm always rewatching BtVS and SFU), Community ('cause it's brilliant), Weeds ('cause I dropped out after Season 3 and now I'm rediscovering its awesomeness and I freakin' love MLP and Justin Kirk) and watching S3 of Doctor Who for the first time, to make
hoshinekoyasha and my brother happy and also, you know, for the sake of it. :) While I'm not over Rose, not at all, I am happy to announce I know see brilliance of Martha as well. Squee!
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Have you noticed I use "awesome" and "brilliant" and their derivations a lot?
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One last thing aka a silly question of mine: how do you type "♥" on a keyboard? I always copy + paste and it's getting tiresome.