Lyrics: 3 of ?

Jun 17, 2013 20:04

Author:  thetwistedpurl1
Length:  Chaptered
Words:  1685
Genre:  Romance
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun
Rating: PG, for now
Disclaimer: They aren't mine, but if life were perfect we would be very good friends.
Summary: A plot driven by song....

A/N: This is my first story here, and in this genre.  I hope to find someone to beta my musings for me.  Please comment so that I may gauge your interest and determine whether I should continue.  Thank you for stopping by.

A/N 2: I apologize for the slow build-up….  My muse thinks it will be important for context later.

A/N 3:  I also apologize for the long wait, but it took a ridiculous amount of time to come up with the second half of the opening lines.  It really pushed this part in the direction it was meant to go  OTL. Unfortunately, once I figured it out I became incredibly busy with other things.

A/N4:  Here's what Lyrical Jae and Chun look like in my mind

Yoochun is seated at a table in the little café of the restaurant on the ground floor of the building that houses the studio of the radio station he works for.  He is looking forward to having lunch with Junsu, and hopes to appease his neglected friend regarding his recent absence.

He has spent most of the past 10 days with Jaejoong exploring their favorite places and things. They have done everything including impromptu picnics, exploring museums and quaint little shops. They have also visited all of Yoochun’s favorite clubs and after-hours joints, where Jaejoong has been introduced to all of his favorite people.

Yoochun, on the other hand, has learned more than he ever wanted to know about fabrics, cut, drape and tailoring, and has seen Jaejoong charm more than one vendor into granting exclusives for J. Kim. He is continually amazed at the wonders the man works with his pout, and shakes his head as he remembers that he has fallen victim to it a time or two himself.

Anyone seeing Yoochun and Jaejoong together that first night, or any night during the subsequent week would have been surprised to learn that they had only just met. Their raucous laughter and propensity for completing the other’s thoughts and sentences seems like something borne of years of friendship. Each of them marvels over this fact, and can’t quite believe the ease with which they have fallen into friendship. But the closeness that has developed makes them both feel as if their bond will be one that endures.

Yoochun is so engrossed in his memories; he is startled to see a smirking Junsu seated across from him when he looks up.

Clutching his heart Yoochun shouted, “Fuck, Junsu! Could you have warned a guy that you were here?!?”

Junsu nearly choked on his bark of laughter. “What! Were you so caught up in your daydreaming that you didn’t hear me say hello, Chunnie? Just what, or should I ask who, were you thinking of? My guess would be a certain purveyor of fine menswear, yes?”

Junsu looked Yoochun up and down, and smirked. “I have never seen you dressed so well.”

Yoochun blushed in spite of himself, but still managed to send a glare in Junsu’s direction. “I scheduled this lunch because I felt badly about neglecting you…. Don’t make me regret it”, growled Yoochun.

“Ha! You know you missed me, and I know you are dying to tell me what you’ve been up to.”

The two were still bickering when the waitress came for their orders, and continued sparring back and forth until their lunch was served.

“Ok, Chunnie. What have you been up to that has kept you so busy? I’ve not seen hide nor hair of you since I took you shopping for new clothes, and I’ve only heard you on the radio…. What gives?”, asked Junsu.

Yoochun took a few more bites to consider his response, and very carefully put his chopsticks aside before answering.

“I don’t know Su. You are, and probably always will be, my best friend, but Jae just gets me better than anyone ever has.”

Yoochun’s eyes sparkle as he begins to describe Jae. “Sometimes I think he’s secretly a mind reader or that we have mind meld or something. Jae is such a dork…. I swear I’ve never met anyone so clumsy in my life! The man is a hazard to himself! But at the same time, he’s smart, funny, incredibly insightful and is so easy for me to be around.”

Yoochun’s eyes glazed over, and he licked his lips. ‘Did I mention that he’s fine as hell and fit as fuck, too?”

Junsu sized up Yoochun’s mood, and decided to jump right in. “Whoa! I sort of knew you two would get along well, but this is even better than I thought it would be….. So are you going to jump his ass… er, I mean are you going to take on this opportunity for a relationship, or just content yourself with another ‘good friend’? You’re way overdue for getting back in the game, Chunnie.”

“Su, you know I’m not good at casual, and this feels too important to ruin with gratuitous sex. I know you think a quick lay will solve the world’s problems, but I promised myself that I’d wait until I’m ready for the relationship I need.”

Junsu snorted and rolled his eyes. “No need for you to get all emoChunal…. I know you’re the attachment type, but you might want to think about taking a different route for once.”

Yoochun shook his head. “I can’t… no, I won’t take the chance, SuSu. Maybe I’m one of those people not meant to be in a relationship, so I’m working on being content where I find myself. If that means a small group of friends, without benefits, that I’m really close to, then so be it.”

Raising his eyebrow, Junsu muttered, “Wouldn’t that be the irony of all ironies? The relationship king not meant to have the very thing that drives him.”

“Whatever. I didn’t invite you to lunch to discuss my relationship status…. Who have you been doing? You’ve been pretty tight-lipped about your exploits, lately, and I know you’ve been up to something.”

Just as Junsu looked up to answer, he spotted Yoochun’s Program Director making his way toward them. “Ah, Changmin-ssi! How is the finest specimen on the planet today? Thank you for gracing us with your presence.”

Yoochun shook his head in wonder as he watched his friend court his impending doom. “Oh dear God, Junsu! When will you learn to stop aggravating him? Don’t you have any sense of self-preservation? You’re just begging him to one-touch you into the next millennium.”

Shim Changmin stopped abreast of the table and looked down his nose at Junsu with all of the bearing brought forth from his former life as a semi-famous supermodel. “Why do you insist on speaking to me? I would comment on your lack of intelligence, but my mother taught me to be kind to the less fortunate.”

Yoochun nearly spit his water across the table watching the exchange.

Junsu shivered and winked at Changmin, as he rose from the table and turned to walk away. “Beauty, brains and wit…. Just one night with me, Changmin-ssi and I promise your view will change. Give it some thought beautiful. I’ll see you later Chunnie.”

“Call me, Su,” said Yoochun. “We should go out and talk about plans for the stupid event you made me buy clothes for!”

Junsu raised his hand in acknowledgment as he continued on his way.

Changmin continued to watch Junsu as he left the café. “Hey Yoochun, can you give me your play list, or at least an idea of what you’re thinking before you go on air tonight? Your audience gets a little rowdy when I interrupt your flow with those advertisements that pay our salaries…”

“Sure, Changmin. Do you want to go over it now?

“No, no, I don’t have time right now. I’ve got to run. Just get it to me a couple of hours before show time, ok? I’ll talk to you later, bye!”

Yoochun shook his head, and mused to himself, “I have NEVER seen Changmin move that fast! I wonder what’s gotten into him?”

♭♫ ♬ ♬♪♫ ♭♫ ♬ ♬♪♫ ♭♫ ♬ ♬♪♫ ♭♫ ♬ ♬♪♫ ♭♫ ♬ ♬♪♫

Junsu shook his head, and winked at his reflection as he checked his hair in the mirror. Satisfied that all was as it should be, he exited the washroom with confidence and humming to himself as he made his way through the hallway toward the exit.

Junsu had just passed what looked to be a supply closet of some sort when a hand grabbed him by the collar and snatched him inside.

He began to shout. “What the fuc…..” but what started as a curse quickly changed to a moan as he was enveloped in a pair of long arms and engaged in a kiss that made him melt.

Junsu hissed as the kiss made its way up his jawline and found a new place to roost in the sensitive spot just below his ear. “Hmmm…. Fancy meeting my favorite lips here…. How did you know I would be walking by?”

The other stopped nibbling at his ear and smirked. “I knew that you wouldn’t leave the building before you washed your hands and checked yourself in the mirror.”

Junsu pouted. “Are you trying to say that I’m vain?”

His lover chuckled. “No, not vain. Just extremely confident and concerned about the image you project. Just two of the many things I love about you.”

Junsu purred, snuggled into the arms wrapped around his waist and inhaled deeply while running his nose along the expanse of skin where his lover’s neck and shoulder join.

“Good. As much as I’d love to stay here with you all day, I do have a meeting to get to and I don’t want to run the risk of running into Yoochun. He already suspects that I am up to something….”

Junsu’s lover groaned. “I swear that man should have been a detective instead of a DJ! How much longer do we have to keep this up? It’s driving me nuts!”

“Shh…. Not much longer baby. Just until I know that Chunnie will be ok.”

Junsu threaded his fingers through his lover’s hair and brought his head down for another breath stealing kiss.

Junsu groaned as the other gripped his ass and began to lift. The thought of getting caught and the million things he needed to get done that afternoon were enough to rein him in. He sweetened the kiss, but couldn’t resist one last suck at his lover’s lower lip.

“Come on baby, I really do have to go now. I’ll be over tonight dongsaeng, and I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

“You had better.” His lover growled as Junsu slipped from the closet.

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