Lyrics: 2 of ?

May 05, 2013 02:09

Author:  thetwistedpurl1
Length:  Chaptered
Words:  1678
Genre:  Romance
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun
Rating: PG, for now
Disclaimer: They aren't mine, but if life were perfect we would be very good friends.
Summary: A plot driven by song....

A/N: This is my first story here, and in this genre.  I hope to find someone to beta my musings for me.  Please comment so that I may gauge your interest and determine whether I should continue.  Thank you for stopping by.

Yoochun, the master of multitasking, rolled his eyes and smacked Junsu on the back of the head again as he made a couple of selections from the snack tray.  He started sipping a cold drink and smirked when Junsu grabbed his head.

“Yah!”  yelled Junsu as he rubbed at the slight sting.  “What the hell was that for?”

“Hmm…  You’re having a little too much fun at my expense, dongseng.  I still don’t understand why we had to come here.  I’m sure I can find something suitable to wear to this stupid thing in my closet.”

Still rubbing his sore head, Junsu replied.  “Chunnie, I realize that you don’t think this is a big deal, and that you will already know most of the people in attendance, but you should

never underestimate the importance of first impressions....  They happen each and every time you walk into a room.  People should instinctively feel when you've entered a room and feel when you've left even if you never utter a single word while you are there.  I can’t begin to explain the high that comes from knowing that you look good and feeling comfortable as you do so.”

Yoochun chewed thoughtfully, and was still mulling over Junsu’s statement when Jaejoong returned to the front of the shop.

“If you will, please follow me Yoochun-ssi, I have several items for you to try on and select from.  Junsu-ssi, you are welcome to stay and help in the decision, but I expect it will take at least a couple of hours to try everything properly.”

Yoochun almost choked on the sweet snack he was eating, and sputtered when he spoke.  “Two hours!  How long does it take to pick out a suit I’m only going to wear one time?”

“In addition to the formal wear and accompanying fittings and accessories, I’ve also taken the liberty of selecting several less formal items for you to try, Yoochun-ssi.  Every man should have a classic black tailored suit.  A tailored suit should emphasize how comfortable you look in it.  If it stiffens you, or stifles you, it's wearing you, and clothes need to stay in their place.  There are some casual items for you to peruse, as well”

Yoochun was still grumbling as he rose to follow Jaejoong to the fitting room.  “Are you coming?”  he asked Junsu.

Junsu looked at his watch as he replied.  “No.  I have an appointment to meet someone at 2:00, and I am confident that Jaejoong-ssi will not let you leave looking less than your best.  I’ll call you in a couple of hours, and if you’re still here I’ll come back.”

Yoochun turned back to Junsu with a suspicious look.  “You’ve been ditching me for quite a few appointments lately….  Is there something you need to tell me?”

Junsu only looked slightly guilty as he considered his response and started for the door. “Not yet, but I hope to soon.  I’ll call you.  Bye!”

Before Yoochun could utter another  word, Junsu waved and slipped out the door.  “Huh….  I think that he’s hiding something….”  Peering in Jaejoong’s direction with a questioning look, Yoochun muttered, “I don’t suppose you know who he’s been meeting with lately either, do you?”

In his haste to move away from Yoochun and his questioning look, Jaejoong nearly tripped again.  Schooling his features as he turned to reply, Jaejoong said,  “I am sorry Yoochun-ssi, even if I did know I would not tell you.  Please, come with me so we can get started.”

Jaejoong lead Yoochun to a door at the rear of the shop. He opened it, and gestured for Yoochun to precede him.  Yoochun noticed a couple of things as he walked past;  first and foremost was that Jaejoong smelled better than any human being has a right to (how had he not noticed this before?), and second the fitting room, which almost exceeded the size of his living room, was filled with more clothes than he actually owned.

Yoochun snorted, “Really?  Do you seriously want me to try all of this?  Aish, we’ll be here all freakin’ night!”

Clearing his throat, Jaejoong replied, “Clothes and conversation should be selected with equal care Yoochun-ssi.  They both are representative of who you are, and will always be more important than cars and money.  True star power doesn't have to make an announcement; it shows in the way you shine from the inside out.  You have that, so why not dress it up a bit?

Shaking his head in disbelief, Yoochun replied, “ Since you are about to become very familiar with the color of my boxer briefs, I think we can drop the honorifics….  Just Yoochun, please.”

Jaejoong only blushed a little as he replied.  “Of course, Yoochun-ssi,  err....  I mean, Yoochun.  Once you have disrobed, please stand on the platform  in front of the mirrors.  I want to take a few measurements to see if I’ve selected correctly.”

In his haste to cover his shyness, Jaejoong missed the look of interest Yoochun leveled in his direction.

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Six tuxedos, ten suits, twenty casual ensembles and an insane number of shirts, ties, shoes and accessories later, Yoochun had to admit that he really liked the items Jaejoong helped him select and that he also enjoyed the man’s company, too.  His wry sense of humor and the ridiculous number of commonalities between them turned the hated task into more fun than he had experienced in a long while.  However, his stomach was grumbling, and although there were no windows in the dressing room, he was fairly certain that night had fallen.

“Fuck!  Is it really eight o’clock?  No wonder I’m starving.  I skipped lunch in order to meet Junsu here on time” cried Yoochun as he glanced at his watch.   “Hey Jae, I can never thank you enough for the care you’ve shown me today.  Please…. let me treat you to dinner and drinks at a couple of my favorite spots.”

Jae just barely managed to contain a shout as he turned to answer.  Schooling his features, he replied, “There is no need for you to thank me, because I honestly enjoy what I do and the effect it has on the people who visit J. Kim.  Especially those who are here for the first time.  You clean up very nicely, Yoochun-ssi and you were a pleasure to dress and work with.  But, I am very interested in seeing the places that inspire you.  We have so much in common, I have to believe that I will enjoy them as well.  Would you mind if I change, and dress you for our night out on the town?”

Yoochun made a face that is indescribable, but very cute while rubbing the back of his neck.  “Umm, well…. I guess that would be ok, but we really aren’t going to anyplace fancy.  Just to my favorite noodle shop and a couple of those dark places I like to frequent for drinks and good music.”

Jae laughed, “Don’t worry Yoochun, I’m not going to dress you up in a suit or formal wear for a simple night out.  Just trust me.”

“It’s not that I don’t trust you, but I am afraid that no one will know who I am once you get done with me!”

Jae covered his face and blushed beautifully as his bark of laughter got away from him.

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Forty minutes later, Jaejoong and Yoochun were in a taxi headed to a neighborhood frequented by university students.  Jae had changed into some dark wash jeans and a gray sweater which lovingly hugged and accented his broad shoulders and well-muscled arms.  For Yoochun, he had chosen black jeans which he paired with a black silk t-shirt.  A short black jacket of buttery-soft, fine Italian leather completed the look.  The transformation once Yoochun donned the new outfit almost made Jaejoong suggest that they skip going out altogether.  He nearly groaned as he imagined stripping Yoochun of his new clothing.  Fortunately, he was able to control himself, and was peering through the window as they came to a stop in front of a quaint little establishment with the name “Ahjoomah’s Apron” spelled out across its front window.

As he waited for Yoochun to pay for the taxi,  Jae stood on the curb and peered through the window.  He could see several people sitting on bench-type seats surrounding the tables in the cheery restaurant.  Some of the patrons appeared to be dining alone, while others were in groups of varying sizes.   One table had stacks of books and papers so tall that adding food to the mix didn’t seem like an option; however, the occupant was inhaling black bean noodles from a bowl like they were going to run off if he didn’t finish them in the next five minutes or less!  Jaejoong was shaking his head in amazement as he felt Yoochun walk up behind him.

“Are you ready?” Yoochun asked as he placed his hand in the small of Jae’s back to guide him through the door.

That small bit of contact caused Jae to stumble as a kaleidoscope of butterflies took flight in his stomach.

Shaking his head, Yoochun chuckled and asked, “Are you ok?  You’re kinda clumsy for someone who has so much style.”

Jae turned to answer, but was struck dumb as he found himself standing very close to Yoochun and looking into the warmth of his soulful brown eyes.  Said eyes were currently crinkled in amusement at his expense and the mouth that went along with them was turned up in the most gorgeous smile.  Fortunately, his mind recognized that coherent speech was not an option at this point.  Turning away, he slowly and very carefully made his way into the restaurant.

Part 1:  The Voice

the voice, jaejoong/yoochun, length: chaptered, jaechun, genre: romance

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