Lyrics: 1 of ?

Jan 05, 2013 00:56

Title: The Voice
Author: thetwistedpurl1
Length: Chaptered
Words: 1.202
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun
Rating: PG, for now
Disclaimer: They aren't mine, but if life were perfect we would be very good friends.
Summary: A plot driven by song....

A/N: This is my first story here, and in this genre. I hope to find someone to beta my musings for me. Please comment so that I may gauge your interest and determine whether I should continue. Thank you for stopping by.

The shop bell rang just as Jaejoong reached for a box on the top shelf. As the proprietor of one of the city's most exclusive menswear shops, J. Kim por Homme, he was taking advantage of a lull in traffic to restock a display of small furnishings. This duty was normally left to one of his staff, but he was working alone today. His employees were enjoying a rare Saturday off in order to prepare for a holiday dance, which they had all been anticipating for months. As Jaejoong turned to greet the new arrival, he saw Kim Junsu, his most stylish and very best customer, enter the door dragging a reluctant companion.

"Yah, Chunnie!” laughed Junsu. "You should be grateful that I'm so willing to act as your self-appointed fashion advisor... Do you know how much people would pay for my services? Ha! Of course you have no clue since
you have no social skills and spend all of your time in dark places."

"Bite me, Su.", replied Junsu's companion, which of course only caused Junsu to issue forth even more of his infectious laughter.

As soon as Jaejoong heard that VOICE, his head whipped around and he damned near fell from his perch on the ladder. Oh. My. God! How many nights had he spent listening to it on the radio, wondering about the person to whom it belonged? Just the sound of it, which could only be described as a sinful baritone, soaked in whiskey- with
just a hint of smoke, was more than enough to make the fine hairs on his body stand on end!

Jaejoong shivered as he imagined what it would taste of if it were flavored. Probably a sinfully rich chocolate.... The kind that makes you drool just a little and curls your toes as you take the first bite. When he saw the face that went with it, Jaejoong was positive that life, as he knew it, would never again be the same.

Clutching the top rung of the ladder, Jaejoong took a deep breath to calm himself before attempting to climb down to the shop floor. It wouldn't do for him to fall flat on his ass while on his way to meet the owner of THE VOICE that plays a very active role in his fantasy life. As he started his descent, he sent up a fervent prayer, "God, for the love of all that's holy, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me be something other than my usually clumsy self for the next 10 minutes!” Once he very carefully made his way down to the floor- which he briefly considered kissing- he was greeted by more of Junsu's raucous laughter, and more quiet grumbling from his friend.

As Jaejoong turned to walk toward them, Junsu started to speak. "Jaejoong-ssi, allow me to introduce you to my very good friend, Park Yoochun, who is also known as Micky. Perhaps you've heard his show on the radio, Micky's Quiet Storm? Yoochun, please meet Kim Jaejoong, the owner of this fine establishment, and the only man I know whose fashion sense rivals my own."

Jaejoong executed a perfect 90-degree bow, and was silently congratulating himself for having kept up his cool
facade. However, when he opened his mouth to speak, the unthinkable happened! His intention was to issue a polite greeting and offer his assistance, but the events of the next few seconds were classic Jae....

Just as he was about to speak, Yoochun smiled at him. The effect mesmerized Jaejoong and caught him so completely off guard that it caused him to over-inhale and to immediately start choking. Once he recovered- after
much coughing and a brutal back-clapping from Junsu- and tried to speak, his voice cracked and he wound up blushing and clapping his hand over his mouth like a girl! So much for his maintaining his calm demeanor....

To Yoochun's credit, he managed to ignore Junsu, execute a perfect bow, a perfect smile, AND speak the perfect words in that VOICE.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Kim Jaejoong-ssi. All of the most stylish people I have met have been wearing clothes that came from your shop. Please take care of me.”
Junsu just laughed while observing it all, but once he managed to catch his breath, he explained why he and Yoochun came to visit J. Kim.

“Jaejoong-ssi, I desperately need your help.”, said Junsu. “Yoochun has to attend an important event, and being the friend that I am, I will NOT let him appear in public wearing anything that is in his closet! Please help me save him from that embarrassment. Being the purveyor of taste and style that you are, I trust that you can help him to find something fabulous that will work within his sensibilities. Yes?”

“Junsu! How can you say that?” grumbled Yoochun. “I have perfectly good clothes in my closet.”

"Ha! Perfectly good for taking to the closest charity shop or bonfire!”

As the conversation continued, Jaejoong felt like he was watching a tennis match as he looked back and forth between the two friends volleying quips. Upon clearing his throat, he spoke, “Gentlemen, why don’t you tell me a little more about the event we’re preparing for?”

Jaejoong caught the sheepish look on Yoochun’s face as Junsu started to speak.

“It seems that Yoochun’s penchant for dark places and soulful slow jams has helped him to create the most ridiculously popular late night radio program on the planet. His show has garnered the highest ratings for his time slot for the past 25 months, so the station is having a little party in his honor. “

“Exactly!”, huffed Yoochun. “I certainly don’t need to buy new clothes for that!”

“Did I happen to mention that said party is Black Tie and After Five?”, wondered Junsu.

As the two friends continued to bicker, Jaejoong took a good look at Yoochun. He took note of his beautiful
hair, which was currently pulled atop his head in a messy bun of sorts, his height (above average), slim (but very muscular) build with wide shoulders and a small waist. He almost choked again when his eyes skimmed over the man’s sinfully prominent Adam’s apple and collarbones. Considering the riches he had to work with, he started mentally collecting items around the shop.
In his mind, Jaejoong was practically drooling AND damned near turning back flips. But after taking a deep breath and carefully clearing his throat he calmly replied, “I’m certain we can find something. Please, make yourselves comfortable and help yourself to refreshments while I gather some things for you to consider.”
As Jaejoong turned to begin his search, he narrowly missed impaling himself on a display of pocket squares. He briefly considered the merits of more prayer versus a strong drink to make it through the afternoon, and caught Yoochun reaching out with one of his long arms to smack Junsu on the back of his head from the corner of his eye.
Smirking as he turned away, Jae sighed as he thought to himself, "Dear Heaven help us all, and note to self -NEVER work alone on Saturday again!"

Part 2: First Impressions

the voice, jaejoong/yoochun, length: chaptered, jaechun, genre: romance

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