Lyrics, Part 4 of ?

Sep 14, 2015 15:35

Author: thetwistedpurl1
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun
Rating: PG, for now
Disclaimer: They aren't mine, but if life were perfect we would be very good friends.
Summary: A plot driven by song....

A/N: This is my first story here, and in this genre. I hope to find someone to beta my musings for me. Please comment so that I may gauge your interest and determine whether I should continue. Thank you for stopping by.

A/N 2: I apologize for the long wait. I've had most of this written for a long tine, but I just didn't feel compelled to post it. It wasn't quite where I wanted it to be..... Anyways, I do hope to finish this one day.

A/N 3: the song is Cracks of My Broken Heart by Eric Benet with a few adlibs to fit the story

"If you don't stand still, I'm going to tie you to a fucking chair," growled Jaejoong as he struggled with Yoochun's bow tie.

Yoochun gasped, and Junsu, who was making his way into the room just as Jae's patience snapped, yelped and said, "Yah! If you do that, we'll never make the banquet on time!"

Jaejoong was about to respond, until he saw Junsu's reflection making frantic gestures in the mirror, which caused him to pause mid-eye roll and once again concentrate on his task.

Yoochun was no longer fidgeting, but his eyes were closed, his mouth agape, and he was panting like he had just finished a 440. His demeanor caused Jae a bit of concern, but not enough to deter him from his mission to get them dressed and to the party on time.

Jae finished the bow and gently closed Yoochun's mouth with a tap to his chin.

"There, all done. Now go put on your shoes and wait for us by the front door. Don't forget the coat I laid out for you in the living room," Jae directed as he began to work on his own tie.

Yoochun seemed to take a moment to gather himself, but after a curt nod to Jaejoong, he almost knocked Junsu over in his haste to escape the bedroom.

"Yah!" Junsu yelled at his escaping friend while brushing imaginary lint from his perfectly fitted tuxedo jacket. "If I didn't know any better Chunnie, I'd think you were in a hurry to get to this party, or something!"

Junsu shook his head and looked over at Jaejoong who seemed a little perplexed.

"Umm..... Chunnie likes a little... Let's call it... Ahhhh.... Direction! Yeah, direction. Unfortunately, his nature doesn't always allow him to recognize the difference between direction and cruelty in his personal relationships. It's one thing to be 'directed' by the one you love because they know how much you like it. It is altogether a different experience when someone does it because they can.

His last boyfriend was a straight-up arrogant dick who was cruel to Chunnie because he could be that way to him. It took Yoochun a long time to work himself out of that hellish relationship, and an even longer time to interact with someone who wasn't me or Changmin on more than just a superficial level. He still functioned in his day-to-day life, but we knew it was a facade; he all but withdrew from life when that bastard told him he could never love him because he couldn't have the life he wanted with him. Yoochun took it to mean that he isn't meant to be loved, and we know that isn't true."

Without saying anything more, Junsu left Jaejoong to ponder his words and joined Yoochun to wait until the car arrived to take them to the gala.

Several hours later, after Yoochun has received his accolades and has seemingly relaxed, their small group is standing off to one side watching the crowd. They have long since acknowledged and mingled with everyone who matters and Jaejoong is quietly chatting with Junsu when he hears a harsh intake of breath, and feels the body to his left become perceptively warmer. Junsu is swearing prettily when Jaejoong turns to check on Yoochun and catches sight of a tall, handsome and well built man zeroing in on their location with a predatory look in his eyes that matches his approach.

Jaejoong's eyes narrow when he feels Yoochun begin to tremble next to him as the predator stops before them to sweep Chunnie with a piercing gaze from head to toe. On his other side, he hears Junsu muttering about assholes who do things because they can.

"Yoochunie," purred the predator as he leans unnecessarily close. "Introduce me to your delicious new friend."

Seeing that Yoochun was in no shape to spar with this idiot, Jaejoong takes control.

"I'm not sure who you are, but let me assure you that there is nothing little about me. I am Kim Jaejoong."

The rude prick has the nerve to smirk as he continued, "Ah.... Now it makes sense that our little Chunnie has acquired some taste! I knew he could not have suddenly become this fashionable on his own," sniffed the new arrival.

After treating Jaejoong to another sweeping look, he said, " I am Jung Yunho. When you get tired of your pet, come look me up."

Junsu just barely managed to keep Yoochun upright and prevent the brawl that was sure to ensue had Jaejoong managed to break the hold he had on his jacket when Yunho turned to walk away. Fortunately Changmin had seen the entire fiasco, and arrived in time to help.


It took Junsu and Jaejoong a long time to calm Yoochun enough to leave the banquet. Changmin's ferocious glare kept the gossip hounds away and Junsu charmed the event sponsors, while Jaejoong ran interference for Yoochun with all of the people who tried to schmooze him between the long walk from the hall to the waiting car. Since Yoochun had closed in upon himself and would not speak or make eye contact with anyone, Jaejoong brushed them off by saying he was unwell.

Jae could still feel the tremors wracking Yoochun's body as he walked him out and got him settled in for the ride home. Unsure of what to say, Jaejoong just held Yoochun's head in his lap and gently stroked his hair until the car pulled into the underground car park in Yoochun's building.

After the car rolled to a stop, and he was once again upright, Yoochun made no attempt to leave the car and just stared vacantly into the dark interior until Jaejoong grasped his elbow.

"C'mon Chunnie," whispered Jae. "Let's get you inside and into a nice warm bath."

Yoochun silently followed Jaejoong out of the car, into the elevator and to his apartment. He stood quietly in the foyer while Jae removed their coats and shoes and put them away.

Jae placed a soothing kiss on Yoochun's temple and whispered, "go into the bedroom, sit on the bed and wait for me there. I won't be long."

As Yoochun went, Jaejoong moved to open the blinds at the huge bay window overlooking the gorgeous view of the city. Yoochun may not have the best fashion sense, but his personal space is incredibly stylish, well kept and is located in a part of the city known for its inspiring and creative vibe. Jae also took the time to light the plethora of sandalwood and vanilla scented candles that Yoochun tends to favor with the hope that Yoochun will snap out of his idiot induced stupor if he is surrounded with his favorite things.

Once the ambiance was to his liking, Jaejoong hurries to the master bath to light more candles and fill the huge sunken tub with warm, lightly scented water. After getting the temperature right, he goes back to tend to Yoochun in the other room.

"C'mon, up you get," said Jaejoong as he eased Yoochun from the bed and out of his clothes. "Let's wash that jerk off of you, and get him out of your system for good. Go wait for me in the bathroom."

Yoochun still quietly follows wherever he is led, but Jaejoong can see how agitated he still is as his carefully measured steps carry him to the waiting tub.


Once Jaejoong got Yoochun settled in the tub, he washed his hair and bathed him with his favorite body wash. After the bath, he rubbed him down with a bit of lavender oil to further soothe his agitation, pulled his hair up into a messy bun and wrapped him up in the heavy cotton robe that he gifted Yoochun for his birthday.

"Go out to the living room and appreciate the view while I get the bathroom squared away."

Yoochun makes no sounds or signs of acknowledgement, and just quietly shuffles off as directed.

After he finished in the bathroom, Jaejoong detoured to the kitchen to pour some wine, and quietly approached Yoochun as he stood looking out the window. Just as he was about to reach out for him, Yoochun raised his hand as if to wave him away. Jaejoong inhaled to voice his protest, but stopped short as the strains of some old jazz tune started to play quietly in the background. He had forgotten that about Yoochun's fancy stereo.... It was very high end, controlled in large part via motion sensors, and very sensitive. Jaejoong had unknowingly caused it start on more occasions than he could count on his way to look out the window.

Jaejoong stopped briefly to place the glasses and the bottle of wine on the table closest to the window, and continued his approach. Yoochun tensed as Jaejoong's left hand swept down his arm and made its way to rest gently on his stomach. He relaxed when the palm flattened and brought him to rest against the broad shouldered man behind him. When he felt the fingers of Jae's right hand catch in his hair, he almost purred. But when that hand yanked his head back to allow Jae room to nuzzle his way up to his ear, Yoochun's eyes rolled back in his head.

Jaejoong wrapped his arms around Yoochun's shoulders and held fast as he whispered in his ear, "I don't have the words to tell you all that I feel, but I know that music speaks to you. Listen carefully Chunnie," and he began to sing:

Maybe you need just a little more time
Time that can heal what's been on your mind
You can find what was lost before it all slips away
You need time to mend from the mistakes that were made
God only knows what a heart can survive
So many tears from all the pain in our lives
And where else could we go after all we've been through
I really believe my life is right here with you

So just hold on
And it wont take long
I hope that you can love me
When the pain is gone
I don't want us to fall through the cracks of a broken heart
Don't want us to fall through the cracks of your broken heart

I know its taking a while but every lesson, I've learned
And if your heart speaks tonight, I'll hear every word
If you want to be free I'll never stand in your way
But with all that I am, I'm asking you to stay

Hold on
And it wont take long
I hope that you can love me
When the pain is gone
I don't want us to fall through the cracks of a broken heart
Don't want us to fall through the cracks of your broken heart

There's a light that can burn
It exists in the heart
You can feel it when you know love is true
If you could try to be strong
And keep the light burning long
It took a lifetime but I found it in you

Hold on
And it wont take long
I hope that you can love me
When the pain is gone
I don't want us to fall through the cracks of a broken heart
Don't want us to fall through the cracks of your broken heart

Just as the song ended, Jaejoong clearly felt the shuddering sobs and tension in Yoochun's body. He tightened his grasp on his shoulders and whispered fiercely into his ear, "He was not worthy of the gift of your love.... Just hold on Chunnie. Don't let him win something he does not deserve. I am right here for you, waiting and ready to be what you need; no matter what you decide that might be."
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