Do you know what the biggest problem is with getting new furniture? It makes all your old stuff look, well, OLD!
We absolutely love the new brown couch we'd been eying for several months, but I have to admit, the biggest problem with getting new things is then you want more new things :-)
I was browsing online looking for kids stuff (is it horrible that I'm already imagining the cuteness of bunk beds?) and found this
Designer Furniture store that has a TON of really really nice stuff. Now, obviously there isn't much here that we could afford right now, but it gave me a lot of ideas as to what I might want in the future. For some reason, I keep hoping that someday our family will be financially independent (or at least stable!) and not living in a two bedroom apartment.
And if that were to ever happen, you better believe I'd be treating myself to something else shiny and new. I don't think it would be quite as fancy as this site's
Italian Furniture but they do have some pretty cool
Modern Furniture and
Contemporary Furniture that I think we would all like. I'm not sure if it would really be a good idea with little kids in the house though. It might have to go on our "someday" list. :-)