And now for some notes on Alyssa Hamilton

Sep 29, 2010 09:50

I don't have the benefit of the game manual this time. :|a


Alyssa Hamilton (アリッサ・ハミルトン) is the protagonist of Clock Tower 3. Alyssa is 14, almost 15, years old and attends a boarding school away from her home. When she was young she lost her father, Philip, and her mother, Nancy, raised her alone. Because of this, she is a responsible and intelligent girl.


Alyssa is very polite and respectful of others and is shown to be a caring and kind girl. One weakness of her character is that she tends to be very emotional and sensitive, however, as the game progresses, she becomes more stronger and more independent through her experiences.

My own thoughts

☇ Yes, indeed, Alyssa is very polite and sentimental. I imagine her mother raised her well, but this could also be because she had to help with the boarding house throughout her childhood and learned all about how to deal with people.

☇ Only during primary school though as she was sent off to boarding school at 11~12.

☇ At the school itself, Alyssa most likely had a reputation as a low key and well to do student, but with a fairly active social life.

☇ Come to think of it, even with a boarding school how was it that Alyssa stayed away from home for three years? Boarding schools expect students to bugger off during the holidays. Maybe she had relatives that she stayed with besides, like her father's parents or something. *falls into a plot hole*

☇ She would have to stay with these family members ANYWAY when her mother turns up dead and her grandfather later implodes. Oops. Memory regarding whether or not Linda was killed or if that was some other nurse and they were just too lazy to make a different model is a bit fuzzy but. Uh. Hopefully Dennis has some relatives in his pocket too.

☇ As the game progresses, Alyssa becomes a stronger person though she was already a determined, strictly goal-oriented girl that wouldn't allow herself to be distracted. Coming away from this made her braver.

☇ Despite this, Alyssa probably took over the boarding house after her mother's death once she got old enough as she just would have wanted a nice and quiet life.

☇ Also she's probably going to be a loooot more mindful of what her children are going to be like considering her Rooder bloodline. Unlike her grandparents and (apparently) parents, though, she will likely take her husband's last name when she gets married.

☇ Overall: an average teenage girl but more responsible, polite, duty-bound and clever.

☒ Alyssa Hamilton, *random rambles

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