App for Xion at sortinghat_rp

Oct 08, 2010 17:08

Player Information
Name: Mozart
Timezone: PST
Personal Journal: mozarteffect
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: You have this :B
Email Address:
Former/Other Characters in the RP: Current: Cierra, Botan, Maka and Eruka

Former: Junpei, Lilie and Belle
How did you hear about us?: I do wonder.

Character Information
Name: Xion
Canon Origin/Series: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Here is her character wiki for reference.
School Year: Fifth
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Out of school living location: Shetland, Scotland
Blood status: Muggle-born

Personality: "Shy at first" is really the only way to describe Xion's personality when she's first introduced in the story and she arrives at Organization XIII. She tends to hide her face (via having her hood up) and she doesn't respond to any sort of engagement with anything but a stream of ellipses (in actual game canon it's for plot reasons and not actual shyness, though Xion can be reserved). Once Xion opens up, though, as she did with Roxas (and Axel as well eventually) she's a cheerful and kind girl that would do anything for those she's loyal to and worries about their well-being. She's actually a pretty normal teenaged girl once she opens up; jokes around, threatens to "come over there" when she gets annoyed insecure. Yeah. And hardly gullible, despite being a female character in a JRPG, even if she by nature doesn't know so much about the world. "Selfless" would be another way to describe her once the plot comes to a head and she absolutely has to give up her own life for the sake of the plot so everything could advance as it should. Though, as I'll summarize in the canon background, Xion still interferes with Xemnas's plan for the sake of Roxas, even if it seems like she's going along with Xemnas's will at first. Moreover, she doesn't want to bog down her friends with her problems if it would cause them grief nor does she want to fall short of others' expectations. She doesn't mind, at the end, if Roxas forgets her for she will always remember him and the fun times they had together.

On the downside, well, "emotional" would be another way to put it. Xion has emotions and she's not afraid to use them to their full extent. Her confusion over the discovery of how her existence came to be aggravates these emotional tendencies and makes her afraid of what's going to happen with her and, subsequently, her friends. This emotional nature can also greatly set her off once she actually gets set off, so whoever's in the way should watch out. In short: mood-swings, she can have them. A lot. Touchy.

Canon Background: The game starts us off at "Day 255" which is Axel and Roxas hanging out on the clock tower eating seasalt ice cream. Roxas references how he was when he first joined the Organization (which sets up the plot, obviously) then the scene ends with him turning and saying "seriously, where is she?" Axel looks perturbed by this and the scene ends. We're then taken back to the seventh day (of when Roxas was created, so right now he's essentially a derpy zombie) where Roxas wakes up and goes to a meeting with the rest of the Nobodies in the Round Room. This meeting introduces Number XIV to the fold, a mysterious girl-shaped thing that has her hood up constantly and doesn't speak and she is also a keyblade wielder, but we'll get to that later. She and Roxas exchange A Look and that scene ends (well, actually, she smiles at him and it GREATLY CONFUSES HIM). Roxas (and the audience) doesn't learn Xion's name until the next day when he and Axel are about to go off on Roxas's first mission. Xion's hood is still up and she doesn't respond verbally.

(Remember the hood thing, it's important.)

The next 15 days is just tutorial missions for Roxas in which he learns the purpose of his keyblade and the Organization's goal of becoming real people via Kingdom Hearts itself. We see neither hide nor hair of Xion until the 15th day onward and then, finally, on the 23rd day when she and Roxas have a mission together. If you guessed that she STILL has her hood up and doesn't talk, you'd be right. Even all throughout the mission she doesn't say anything. Roxas tells her to go back to headquarters without him as he needs to spend time on the Clock Tower of Significance eating ice cream. Although Axel doesn't show up as he went off on a mission to take part in alllll the events of Chain of Memories on the 23rd day before Roxas woke up.

Next day, however, is when something interesting happens. Roxas and Xion finish their mission and, like yesterday, he tells her to go back. When he walks away, though, Xion speaks for the first time. "R...Roxas..." This, understandably, surprises Roxas and Xion asks him if that is his name. When he says yes she leaves finally. Well, that was interesting, surely that's going to trigger changes in the plot, isn't it? Of course it is! The next day, Roxas greets Xion and she doesn't respond at first, though she returns the greeting once he asks if something's wrong. Then they're off on their mission of defeating a GIANT HEARTLESS again. After this she becomes significantly chattier and--



She's first game Kairi with black hair--I mean a girl with black hair and blue eyes. And she's a lot friendlier than the past few weeks have shown as she wishes Roxas good luck on the mission. And cutscene action has the GIANT HEARTLESS knock Roxas's really flat keyblade out of his hands, which teleports into Xion's hands and she takes out the heartless instantly. The revelation that Xion can use the keyblade too is a surprise to them and Roxas decides to take her up to the clock tower to share some ice cream. They talk about significant things and Roxas mentions that Axel was his first friend. Xion then asks if she could be a friend too and Roxas says they can ask Axel when he gets back, then they can all have ice cream together. Isn't that sweet?

Yeah well, the next day they start being parallel to Chain of Memories talking about one of the Organization members being terminated and Roxas starts worrying about Axel. But no time for that, Saix sends him off with Xigbar to Agrabah for his mission. Xigbar bluntly tells him that when Nobodies are eliminated there's nothing left and Roxas...passes the hell out. Yeah, he's in a coma now. Saix and Xemnas discuss what's going on and mention that they had planned for Xion to gain power over the keyblade like Roxas, so they don't have to worry about heart-collecting halting while Roxas is out.

Fast forward to the 49th day! Xion is by Roxas's side telling him about the new world she visited (obviously Destiny Islands). This is when she starts collecting seashells and setting them on Roxas's bed for when he wakes up. The next day he finally wakes up after hearing a memory of Kairi's voice in his sleep. Everyone's...gone, though, so Roxas goes on to the clock tower, where Xion shows up, surprised to see him awake. She gives him a seashell that she collected and tells him to put his ear up to it so he can hear the ocean. The next day, he overhears that everyone at Castle Oblivion was eliminated and tries to get more information from Saix, who tells him it's none of his concern and he should get back to work. Roxas goes back to Agrabah then, once he's finished, heads back to the clock tower again.

Then Roxas conducts solo missions for a bit and it skips ahead to day 71. Just another mission day, of course--oh, wait, no it isn't. Axel's back. Hooray! They have ice cream together, as they do, and Roxas mentions that he befriended Xion, much to Axel's bewilderment. Speaking of bewilderment, Xion's missing. Forever. Well, actually, ten days. Naturally, Roxas is worried and Axel agrees to "pick [Saix's] brain" for answers about what might have happened to her. So Roxas should just continue on with his missions. On the 74th day, Axel says that he found out Xion went on a mission to fight a big Heartless but never came back. BUT, their mission today was going to be tracking Xion down, much to Roxas's surprise. They head to Twilight Town where they get the runaround before getting a clue that they should head out into the woods WHERE THEY FIND...


I MEAN A CHAMELEON HEARTLESS. That turns invisible. Then Xion magically turns up in a cutscene where she's promptly knocked out again and Axel and Roxas take out the Veil Lizard (that's its special name). Roxas checks to see if she's okay and Axel says that they should go somewhere else. When he speaks, Xion's hood is up again and from his point of view when they go up to the clock tower, it's STILL up and whenever he talks to her or talks in general it's up. Hmm, mysterious. In any case, Xion seems worried about something and Roxas and Axel try to get her to open up about what's on her mind. Axel helpfully says that they're there for her and Roxas says that It's What Friends Are For©; Xion finally admits that she can't use the keyblade anymore. We all know why this is a problem and Xion, naturally, feels at a loss and is afraid of what the Organization will do to her once they figure out she's useless. Roxas and Axel brainstorm ways that they can help her and Axel comes up with the idea that Roxas can double up on their duties to collect hearts. Xion and Roxas make sure they do missions together until she gets control of her keyblade again. Why, that's brilliant! Although Xion expresses some apprehension about putting such a burden on Roxas, Axel insists again that It's What Friends Are For©. Xion asks if she can be his friend and Axel replies "well, yeah. Was there ever any doubt? Any friend of Roxas's is a friend of mine." And

He can see Xion's face now.

Yes, that is important in case you couldn't tell already, but that won't be revealed why until much much much MUCH later. So now the plan is being set into motion (with some resistance from Saix at first who, by the way, also just sees Xion with her hood up. That's not going to change ever) and all seems to be running smoothly. Roxas and Xion get into several Disney-related shenanigans which mostly center on Agrabah and Beast's castle and the trio grow closer by discussing the merits of friendship because, being Nobodies, they don't understaaaand. Then it skips to Day 94, the Nobodies are having a nice little meeting where Xemnas hams it up and reveals Kingdom Hearts (which is a heart-shaped moon). After that, Roxas and Xion have another mission in Beast's Castle and Roxas starts to question why they have to continue gathering hearts. Then the Disney-related shenanigans continue the next day, but Xion and Axel are starting to express some worry that they won't be able to fool the Organization for long. The next day, they hit a bit of a snag. Saix needs them to be on separate missions! Two big Heartless have appeared separately in Agrabah and Beast's Castle yes, again and Axel cuts in to volunteer taking care of the one in Agrabah. But since he can't collect hearts, he'll hold them off until Roxas and Xion can get to it the next day. Saix agrees to this but insists that they have to work solo tomorrow. (Saix thinks something's up, though, and calls Axel on his bull.) Understandably, our plucky young whatever-the-hell is freaking out about the situation they're in now and Roxas tries his best to reassure her by coming up with the idea of letting her use his keyblade for the day so she can remember how to summon hers. It doesn't work at first, but at the end of the mission XION'S KEYBLADE COMES BACK! Things are all right in the world again.

For now. Then after Roxas does another mission in Agrabah it skips to Day 117. Saix and Axel have a conversation where Saix tells him to go back to Castle Oblivion after trying to interrogate him about Xion, then mentioning that he has a mission with her today. Axel refuses at first, thinking it's just a waste of time, until Saix mentions that Naminé isn't the only one from there and Xion originates from there as well. This perplexes Axel aaand then we find out Roxas is going on a mission with Xigbar to Olympus Coliseum. While this is going on, Xion and Axel start conversing about the strange memories she's experiencing that don't quite feel like her own. The next day Roxas finds, much to his confusion (because he doesn't know what it means), that operations in Organization XIII are closed for vacation. Roxas tries to figure out what to do with his time off while Axel naps and Xion practices. He ends up spending the day playing with the kids in Twilight Town and, as always, the trio end up sitting together on the clock tower again. They talk about vacation and what it's like and Axel reveals that he has to go off on another mission that will have him be missing from headquarters for another few days. Long story short: more Disney-shenanigans missions and meetings at the clock tower to gorge on ice cream and talk about stuff.

Skipping to the 149th Day shows that Xion is gone early again. (Asking Demyx has him answer "probably working AGAIN. I mean, good for her and all, but it just makes me look even lazier...") Xaldin mentions that there's been news of an Organization imposter, Riku someone running around wearing their coat, and Roxas is sent off to a new world for his mission. And Axel's back again once Roxas his done with his Daily Disney Shenanigans. Axel asks where Xion is and Roxas says that she's not back yet, much to his concern. Xion, however, is having an identity crisis breakdown in her room. A flashback shows that she fought with Riku the impostor and she mentions something about him calling "it" a sham, which offends her as she insists that it isn't a sham and neither is she. The next day there's a brief cutscene that shows Ri--I mean--oh hell, it's obviously Riku--reflecting on his altercation with Xion, then it cuts back to Roxas leaving his room as he usually does in the morning to find that Xion is having a disagreement with Saix. She is insisting that he give her another chance and he shoots back that they can't afford to waste anymore chances on her. He calls her a "mistake we never should have made" and leaves. This causes Xion to withdraw from Roxas and run away. Oh well. Disney-shenanigans and reflecting on the clock tower sans Xion time. The NEXT day, Roxas finds Xion standing on the clock tower alone and Xion confesses that why she was upset yesterday was because she failed a mission (to eliminate the impostor) and Saix gave her a hard time about it. She says it's no problem and she can take whatever he throws at her and she and Roxas decide to double up on their missions today since they were both sent to Twilight Town. Despite what she said before, Xion's still down about what happened with Riku and Saix and she flashes back to her fight with Riku. After he defeats her, he pulls off her hood and is shocked by what he sees (we don't get to see what, but one can assume he saw Xion's regular face and was surprised because of her resemblance to Kairi) and, as before, he calls her keyblade a sham which angers her and makes her defensive. He advises Xion to leave the Organization and leaves. Roxas snaps her out of her reverie and she starts to ask him why they're working for the Organization and begins having doubts about who she really is.

If you guessed that the next day is another day of Disney-shenanigans with Roxas and ice cream times at the top of the clock tower sans Xion, you'd be right. Axel talks to him about how complicated girls are and tells him not to push the wrong buttons and to give Xion some time. And after that, more Disney-shenanigans, except that Axel mentions that the Organization has been keeping both him and Xion busy with work. And after a timeskip to Day 171? More Disney-shenanigans. Still no Xion, even Axel hasn't seen her around at this point. Unfortunately, the next day Luxord reveals that Xion bungled her last mission and has been in a deep sleep ever since. This is where Saix shows his tendency to dehumanize her in conversation more than ever, referring to her as a "creature" "defective" and "broken." This, obviously, angers Roxas and he disregards having to do a mission at the moment and runs off to see Xion (he leaves a shell next to her like she did for him). After Roxas's mission, Axel offers to ask Saix about Xion (which is fueled by his own curiosity about her as well). This leads to nothing except that Saix mentions, again, Xion has no place among the Organization. Another skip to Day 193 shows...cutscenes from KHI centered on Kairi and Xion finally wakes up. She insists on going with Roxas on his mission since she was asleep for three weeks and everything's hunky dory again. After a minor conflict with Saix as Roxas was scheduled to go on the mission with Axel and he had no missions for Xion that day, Axel convinces him to let Xion come along on the mission too. As they're going along on their mission, though, Xion is struck with another case of First Game Flashbacks and passes out. She starts muttering about Sora in her sleep and Axel and Roxas bring her back to the headquarters as their mission is done. If you think that means she's going to be out for another three weeks...she actually wakes up right after they put her to bed. Whoops, crisis averted. Wait. Except the scene then flashes to Naminé. Smells like convoluted plot to come! This is confirmed by a scene showing Axel reading Vexen's left behind notes, most specifically a section called "the truth about Naminé." So, he's AWOL from the Clock Tower of Significance today.

Fast forwarding to Day 224 shows Naminé and DiZ looking at the pod where Sora's sleeping. DiZ mentions that Naminé seems to be struggling and Naminé reveals that she thinks a Nobody is interfering with her piecing Sora's memories back together. She fears that some of his memories may have been lost and she wouldn't be able to finish her job. DiZ thinks she might be overreacting and asks if Naminé knows something he doesn't. She mentions that if Sora's memories become "her" memories "she" might not be able to survive it. DiZ is perplexed by her use of a feminine pronoun and the scene ends with Xion curled up on her bed again. The next few days her behavior gets stranger and more distant and next she's shown on a computer looking for something very specific that she seems to have found. Then it skips ahead to day 255, where the game first starts. Xemnas, Xigbar and Saix are having a meeting in the Round Room where Saix mentions that someone accessed their computer without authorization and Xigbar points out the obvious that of course it's Xion, which Saix denies. Xigbar finds this amusing and Xemnas allows Xion to go on with what she's doing as it's beneficial to his own plans. Meanwhile, Xion's gone off to Castle Oblivion where she meets Axel after being struck by more memories and insists that it's where she came from and she'll find her answers here. In return, Axel insists that she should just forget about it and go back home. She refuses to, though, as she believes it's the only way she can find out who she really is and charges right past him through the doors. Oh and also we get a rehash of the cutscene from the beginning where Roxas reflects on when he first joined and asks where Xion is. EXCEPT it continues this time and Axel says he's not sure if Xion's going to show today...but then lies and says she's on a mission and got sent off.

But of course since that's a BIG FAT LIE we see Xion standing in a white room in front of a crystal ball-looking object. She's come to the realization that the person she was "before" wasn't her at all. The next day, Xemnas announces that Xion has left and that nobody is to seek her out without his permission. Then it skips ahead to Day 276 where Riku is shown talking to Naminé; it seems she's realized what's happened to Sora's missing memories finally as she says they're escaping from Sora's Nobody into a third person and are becoming part of her. Since that is so, Naminé has to untangle Sora's memories from Xion's, so his awakening will be delayed. Oh yeah, the exposition on what Xion actually "is" sure is happening. She mentions (after saying she never realized how hard the Nobody and "the other one" would work to have their own identities, but they both must disappear) that Xion's face was blank at first and she only gained a face after some of Sora's memories got into her (yeah, that's what the hood thing is all about).

Oh, by the way, this is all actually a flashback presumably taking place during some of the days that were skipped as Roxas, Xion and Axel are shown visiting the beach like they said they would. There Xion expresses the desire to be with them, to which Roxas replies that she should come back with them, but she refuses.

Anyway, out of flashback land, Roxas mentions that on his mission that day he saw a girl that looked like Xion but couldn't get close enough to tell before the montage of flashbacks started and Axel says they should go look for her regardless of Xemnas's orders. They turn up nothing and Roxas says the only place they haven't checked is Castle Oblivion, to which Axel says nothing's there and mentions that Xion did originate from there and asked about it though. BUT the mission the next day luckily involves going after Riku at Castle Oblivion, so Axel and Roxas are off to Castle Oblivion. But Castle Oblivion gives Roxas a hardcore case of Flashback Headache and he passes out, forcing Axel to drag him back to Twilight Town (for...some reason). Roxas wakes up screaming RIKUUUUU and they notice two people in the Organization coats have appeared. ONE OF THEM IS XION (but she has her hood up. Obviously by this point that's significant). Roxas calls to her, but she doesn't answer and just opens a corridor of darkness. He tries to follow her, but is blocked off by Riku until the corridor disappears...then Riku runs off and Roxas and Axel follow him. By the time the two catch up, though, he's gone. Xion and Riku haven't left yet in actuality, they're behind a corner in the hall. Riku asks Xion if she wants to go back and Xion only replies with a stream of ellipses and a guilty look at her friends. Unfortunately, this leads to her being declared a traitor to the Organization and Axel has been ordered to bring her back. However, Axel reassures Roxas that he'll think of something once he finds her so he doesn't have to go through with bringing her back or, worse, killing her. They find her, but she's so unwilling to return with them that Axel karate chops her into submission.

Yes, really. Axel insists that she's safe when Roxas confronts him about his use of force when they get back and dodges the subject thoroughly, much to Roxas's chagrin. He asks the other Nobodies what happened to Xion but none of them know, so he goes to Xemnas to ask. Xemnas says that Xion needs her rest and then Roxas starts asking about Sora. Xemnas exposits that Sora is the connection between Roxas and Xion and if he wants Xion to get better, Roxas should stop thinking about such distracting things. Later Xemnas and Saix have another meeting in the Round Room where Xemnas says that though Xion has strayed from their original designs, her actions have created an interesting side effect. In conclusion: keeping Xion close to Roxas will continue to trap Sora's memories and keep him from awakening. Xion is still in turmoil over what she should do next and Roxas is still feeling the effects of FLASHBACKS. The effect of FLASHBACKS is Roxas starting to grow weaker and weaker while Xion grows stronger, which she notices and starts to worry about. She asks Axel what could be causing this and he insists that she would know better than him, Xion denies this and Axel drops the plotbomb of saying that she's a Replica of course she would know. "A puppet whose original purpose was to duplicate Roxas's powers. If he's getting weaker and you're getting stronger..." It means she's taking power from him, more power than she should. She asks what she should do about it and Axel says she has to figure that out for herself and she's no puppet in his book. Xion then asks him about a boy that looked like Roxas she saw on her mission today, which Xigbar overhears and reports to Xemnas. From this, Xemnas decides that Xion must absorb Roxas or vice versa as they only need one vessel for Sora's memories.

Day 352 shows Xion sitting on her bed worried about how she's going to wreck everything and wondering what's the right thing to do, again she mentions Riku in this and it triggers a flashback. In this flashback, Xion asks Riku about Sora and she slowly starts to recall things about Kairi and Sora while Riku helps her along (she has Sora's memories of Kairi, which explains why her flashbacks have shown Kairi prominently). He tells her that Sora's memories are in her and explains that Sora is asleep at the moment and Xion realizes that they can't piece things back together because some of the memories are inside of her. Riku says that if Xion goes with him to see Sora, everything can be fixed but Xion says that she can't go with him because her friends need her and she needs them too. He says that she probably needs time to come up with what she wants to do and warns her that it has to be something that benefits everybody, not just her. She responds that she'll try and when the flashback ends, she decides that she has to make the most of the time Riku has given her and distances herself from Roxas all over again. Regardless, Roxas goes on his mission where he has to take down a giant Heartless. All seems to be going as planned until he goes to make the final blow, Axel jumps between him and it turns out that the Heartless was Xion the entire time and she thought that he was a Heartless too. Axel reveals that the mission was a setup to trick Roxas and Xion into fighting. But they all go have ice cream on the clock tower anyway and Xion says that she wishes they could stay like that forever, though she knows they can't. To which Roxas suggests that maybe they should run away from the Organization so they could always be together. But, as Xion points out, they have no place to run to and Roxas insists that he was just thinking aloud. After which Axel says that they'll always be together and Xion finishes "as long as we remember each other, right? Don't worry Axel, we've got your hokey speech memorized."

But all is not well in Wherever Never Maybe Was Land as DiZ directs Riku to take action for Sora's sake. Then Saix calls Axel on his meddling yet again and Axel, Xigbar and Xion (who has her hood up for everyone that day) are teamed up for today's mission.

Except it's not a mission so much as Xigbar's trying to kill Xion. Oh and by the way, when he looks at her he sees a Roxas lookalike and finds it amusing that "of all the faces I see when I look at her, I see yours." (Who that is is a spoiler for Birth By Sleep, by the way.) Xion knocks Xigbar out and summons up a corridor of darkness, pleading with Axel to let her go because she has to do something. She pulls down her hood to reveal something that shocks Axel, but we don't see. She then puts her hood back up and asks Axel to take care of Roxas. Then the exposition happens again as Roxas asks what happened to Xion: AXEL TELLS HIM WHAT XION REALLY IS. GASP. And that she has to be destroyed because of the effect she has on him. Roxas doesn't take this well and storms off. Meanwhile, Xion meets up with Riku and tells him that she's found the right answer. Riku tells her to go to Twilight Town and meet with Naminé. The next day, in the Round Room, Xemnas reveals to the rest of the Organization members that Xion is actually a Replica and directs Axel to bring her back to the World That Never Was. Despite Roxas's protests and denial that Xion has any negative effect on him, Axel goes on with his mission. He has an identity crisis like Xion did and decides to leave the Organization to find the answers to who he is elsewhere. After all that happens, Xion finally meets up with Naminé and they discuss what should be done. She's decided that she has to go back to where she belongs, that is to say, with Sora and Naminé tells her that once she's gone there will be no memory left of her period. Xion accepts this and Naminé says she's going to take her to Sora now. But then DiZ warps in and tells them that an Organization member has followed Xion and accuses her of leading them there, but she immediately leaves to get rid of them. It turns out to be Axel, who is thoroughly pissed by this time about the kids that are running around doing stupid things and they clash. Presumably, Xion lost but put up a fight anyway as Axel is shown in the next scene to be carrying her with a limp. Eventually he passes out and Xemnas comes by and takes her away.

We're in the homestretch, everybody. Roxas goes back to the clock tower the next day and Xion (with her hood up) joins him, much to his surprise. When they finish their ice cream, Xion tells him that she's out of time and pulls off her hood. Now we see what Axel saw in Wonderland, but not until she talks about how she has to make this choice. And. IT'S SORA'S HEAD. IT'S SORA'S HEAD AND EVENTUALLY SORA'S BODY BUT XION'S VOICE IS COMING OUT OH GOD. She tells Roxas that she has to make him a part of her too and turns INTO THE FINAL BOSS. This is because Xemnas has reprogrammed her to become the absurd final boss and to absorb Roxas into her, but secretly she wants to force Roxas into absorbing her into him as he'll disappear if they continue to coexist. He defeats her many (many, many, many) forms and as she falls, he begins to forget who she is, though he feels like he's forgetting something very important. Xion tells him that he'll be better off now and it was her choice to die, she belongs with Sora and it's better to do this than to let Xemnas have his way. She asks him to free the hearts she's captured for the Organization because Xemnas can't be allowed to have Kingdom Hearts as she's crystallizing and fading away. Her last words are that she's happy to have met him and Axel and they're both her best friends and to "never forget, that's the truth." Roxas abruptly remembers who she is and asks her who else will he spend time with eating ice cream like before (although it's said much more bluntly and hilarious than that considering it's such a heart-wrenching scene. Or meant to be one) but she fades away into a seashell and sparkly things. That's not really the end of Days, but it's the end of Xion at any rate as everyone's memories of her start fading and Roxas goes on a rampage to free Kingdom Hearts as he believes it will make everything go back to "as it should". Buuut Riku knocks him down. Black screen, text and a voice over of Xion's reassures Roxas that even if he forgets her the memories will never go away, they'll be together always inside of Sora. Then Roxas is put in the simulated Twilight Town by DiZ, setting up KHII.


Background (AU!Canon; HP): Dirty

Xion's life was...well, protected. Right from the very beginning. Her mother had a hard time with conceiving or even carrying a child to term before she was born, so they wanted to give her as good a life as possible and keep her safe. Though she could act out in small ways like taking up fencing as opposed to piano, keeping her hair short and venturing out to talk to the other Shetland kids.

However, her sheltered life had taken its toll; she was far too unsure of what to do to properly interact with other children and was considered shy by the others. Xion did eventually open up to some children, but by then her parents had realized what she was doing and became afraid of what sort of risk she was putting on herself. Though she was kept under a closer watch afterwards, the children she managed to befriend would stop by and bring her seashells that she had become fond of collecting when there were gaps in the time she was being monitored.

Now, let's factor in her magic.

It was small things at first, like Xion's foil mysteriously teleporting back into her hands when she dropped it and her father's lost items appearing in front of him when he gave up looking. Whispered speculations began to circulate through the household about whether or not the family was haunted and Xion felt totally guilty about the trouble it was causing for her parents.

She knew it was because something was wrong with her, but she wasn't entirely sure what it was. Something in the pit of her stomach said that there was definitely a thing that made her different from the other children or even her parents and the adults they associated with. She could not find a logical explanation for what made her different no matter how far she stretched her ten years old brain, though, so she was left with toughing out the oddness of herself and hiding it from her parents. They had done so much for her, it would probably break their hearts if they found that their daughter had some sort of abnormality about her.

The oddness couldn't remain hidden for long, though, as when Xion was 11 a man came to their door with a letter for her.

A school of magic?

A witch?


She could scarcely believe it, nor could her parents, but the cat was out of the bag so to speak and Xion couldn't hide her oddities any longer. She confessed that the "ghost" haunting their household was actually her and she was very sorry and didn't mean to do it. Xion was willing to forgo going to the school if it would have made her parents unhappy. Surprisingly, her parents insisted that she go. Clearly the school could teach her things that they were unable to and it was a boarding school, surely she would have been safe anyway.

Not quite, but since attending Hogwarts and learning what the Wizarding World is like, Xion has neglected to inform her parents of the trouble there is with the different blood statuses and the danger that being her status entails.

Hogwarts is a pleasant place to her, though. She does her best with her studies so she can bring home good marks to her parents, achieving in Charms and Transfigurations in particular. Xion has come out of her shell since first coming to Hogwarts and has become a cheerful, not-so-outgoing but generous girl; although she is still a bit unsure and reserved around people she's just met and sometimes pulls up her hood when other people come by. (Much to her embarrassment, her parents frequently talk about what a mature young woman their daughter is blossoming into because of her school.) Despite this, she hasn't touched her journal since she received it.

Gradually, Xion has started to pick up the journal and leaf through to see what the others are up to, curious about trying it out despite her reservations and worries that she'll screw up. What's the worst that could happen from talking to people?


How would your character fit in to each House?

Gryffindor; Xion does what's right even if it means giving up her own life and regardless of her own desires to be happy and stay with her friends forever. Because IF she doesn't do it, her friends will end up suffering. Yeah, that's about the sum of her bravery; despite any shyness she feels at first towards people, her will leads the way to righteousness no matter what. Despite this, she knows that you can't always jump in to help your friends even if you want to.

Slytherin; Well, Xion has a sharp mind, of course, and she can hide certain things about herself, but she doesn't often take charge enough to have any sort of leadership traits. As for ambition, well, she does harbor her own plans to thwart Xemnas's scheme and make sure Roxas stays happy, even if it means pretending to go along with Xemnas's orders.

Hufflepuff; Xion, either because of her origins or regardless of her origins, is loyal to her friends. Bottom line. She carries no other allegiance besides with them. Her benevolent nature leads her to willingly give herself up to rejoin with Sora so Roxas will stop being negatively affected by their coexistence, as summarized in the canon portion. She promises to never forget Roxas and will probably keep that promise as Xion is no liar when it comes to a promise. As for hardworking, even on time off she wants to practice with her keyblade so she can get really good at it, so Xion definitely doesn't shy away from work even during her off times.

Ravenclaw; "When in doubt, give it a good smack?" Xion is no idiot, despite being a copy of Sora's memories. She can think and come up with ideas when prompted to and she has a sense of curiosity that leads her to finding answers, whether good or bad. Also she tends to be sharper than her male counterpart when it comes to situations they have to get out of.

Sample Journal Entry:

[There are several ink drippings here, as though the writer was hesitant about what they wanted to scribble in, but still wanted to say something. Scribbles of greetings already written and striked out mar the page.]

Hi! My name is Xion.

...They'd already know that, stupid.

This is the first time I've written in my journal. I don't really know what to do with it, but I hope I can use it more often. It's more fun than studying all the time, right? ...Should I put something else here?

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person:

Xion really did want to finish her homework before doing anything else, although the offer to play a game of Exploding Snap with some of her housemates was tempting. "Mum and Dad wouldn't be happy if I slacked off," she muttered as she flipped through her book to find the information she was seeking.

She didn't mind working in her free time, she honestly didn't, but writing an essay about Horace the Horrendous and how his hygiene regimen revolutionized magical upkeeping was so dull. Despite this, Xion knew that she had to finish the assignment as soon as she could on her own. "It's just History of Magic, it's nothing to bug anyone else about. If I can pass the OWL for this, I can quit taking it next year." At that thought, Xion smiled and started to write out what she wanted to put with renewed optimism. Although she was slightly worried that she might not have had enough information of how Horace filed his nails using the special spell he had created, Xion finished the essay with a flourish within the next fifteen minutes. The girl held up the parchment and regarded it with an unmistakable sense of accomplishment. "This should be about 85 centimeters," she said, rolling up the parchment. "I bet Professor Binns will like this...though he probably makes his assistant grade stuff for him." Xion shrugged, not wanting to mind the details for now, and moved to put the rolled up parchment in her bag when a noise startled her out of her post-essay euphoria.

It seemed there were other students coming, ones Xion didn't recognize from any of her classes or the free periods. On compulsion, she shrank down into her seat, held another book in front of her face and pushed up her hood over her head. Maybe if she pretended she was reading, they wouldn't try to talk to her. It was silly, of course; the girl knew it was silly to avoid things in that manner, but her anxieties about how she could possibly screw up were overwhelming.

"Xion? Ugh, she's doing it again."

Wait a moment, that voice sounded familiar. Xion looked up cautiously to see some of the girls she knew from her house. "Oh! It's you guys," Xion said, pulling down her hood and offering them a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I was just...never mind."

"Are you done with your homework yet?" another girl asked. "We were going to go down to the lake and feed some of this old bread to the squid. Wanna come?"

Despite herself, Xion giggled at the idea of disposing of stale bread in that manner and put her things in her bag. "Uh-huh! We can play some Exploding Snap once we're done."

☒ Xion, @sortinghat_rp, cock tower of significance, spellcheck is the enemy, *completed, !status: accepted

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