Final check-in and draft submission - new schedule

Sep 29, 2013 11:01

Hi everybody,

It's almost time for posting to start - well, almost plus a week, since we have looked at our poll results and decided to push the schedule back.

By this new schedule, you have time to send in your final draft until Friday, October 11th, 12:00 p.m. CET (midnight from Friday to Saturday). These drafts do not have to be complete, but we need them to see that you have been working on your fic/art and will be able to make your posting date. Please send your drafts to, and you'll receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. In what shape or form artists send in their drafts is up to them, since it depends on what kind of art they are creating. If we don't receive a draft from you, we won't assign you a posting date.

Additionally, you should also copy the check-in template below and fill it out in a comment to this post. For this you also have until Friday, October 11th, 12:00 p.m. CET. If you don't fill out the check-in, we'll assume you have no posting restrictions and assign you a random posting date.

If you'd rather not comment right away, don't worry, we'll send out email reminders.

You can check in and send in your drafts at any point until then. We'll compose the posting schedule on Saturday, October 12th, and put it up and send out emails as soon as it's done. The schedule post will also contain a sample header and further posting information. Posting will start on Monday, October 14th.

Which fic(s) are you working on/doing art for?
How close you are to finishing?
Would you be okay with an early posting date?
Any days you cannot post (time frame is roughly October 14th to November 11th, with posts every other day)?

If you have any questions or problems, please contact us at, and we'll try to help.

EDIT: For those artists who have several assignments, we'll try to spread your posting dates throughout the run of the Bang so you won't have to post all at once.

schedule, admin, round 4, draft submission, artists, authors

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