The past week was particularly difficult. Part way through the previous week our manager, who we all like a lot, went in for a minor heart op. On the Friday we heard that it wasn't quite as simple. We went into work on the Monday to learn that she was going to have a double bypass op, sometime later in the week, which would then mean 8 to 12 weeks recovery time. The three of us from the office went into the hospital that afternoon (the manager just sitting waiting so was continuing to work) to go through everything that needed to be done for the next couple of months. You can imagine what a shock that all was to us. However there was a couple of days to get a few things sorted before she had the op, which was good. Only she had the op the following morning. So we were left running the office between us. The manager's husband also has a main position where we work, so he was out too. And work became very stressful. We work well as a team, so that isn't a problem, but given the circumstances it wasn't easy, dealing with all the expected and unexpected matters.
Nevertheless, here are the week's happy moments:
Day 80 - SM got a distinction for his grade 5 Singing exam. We went out for a drink to celebrate.
Day 81 - Almost Human. I didn’t enjoy this week’s episode as much, probably because although tenth to be aired it was fourth in the season. There were bits that should have tied in elsewhere, but because it was out of order they didn’t. And Kennex himself seemed out of kilter - which he was supposed to be, but it was jarring. Nevertheless, for purposes of this entry it made me happy, because I had an hour of pure escapism and however good a programme is there are always going to be episodes you enjoy more than others, partly from personal preferences.
Day 82 -
Ratigan’s Reprehensible Retribution which I found hilarious.
Day 83 - I could say that Brownies has finished for the year and we’ve achieved a lot. But for a moment of happiness: I was talking to the two I work with in the office and telling them which plays I’m going to see. I mentioned Richard Armitage in The Crucible and one of them went “Ooh, Richard Armitage, I am so envious.” Cue shared “aahing”.
Day 84 - To celebrate the end of the week at work I bought doughnuts.
Day 85 - I could of course say Richard III and seeing friends, but instead I'm going for an exhibition at the Victoria & Albert Museum. My train got me in with a few hours to spare before the play, so I headed off to the V&A. This is one museum that I really like going to, but only ever manage one section at a time before I end up with exhibit overload. As well as the two paying exhibitions they had a free one featuring the work of a modern Indian painter, M F Husain. I knew nothing about him, but it was free and I like the opportunity to see something different, so I went to look. I was really pleased I did; there were eight triptych paintings covering a vast amount of Indian life and all in brilliant colours. The exhibition closes in a couple of weeks time, further details are
here. After which it seemed only appropriate that I look at the main Indian gallery before moving on.
Day 86 - Having been out all day on the Saturday I spent time Sunday charging round trying to do all the things that need doing on a weekend. But we did go out for a drink again, so, having failed to get cider in the pub in London (they did offer me something with raspberry or possibly pear, but nothing with apple) I shall go for my pint of Stowford, a packet of crisps and a chance to just chill out a bit.