I pinched this meme from
canonisrelative who posted it about six weeks ago.
12 characters meme
Pick 12 characters from any fandoms and list them before you read the questions that follow. I picked (listed in alphabetical order to stop me cheating):
1 - Guy of Gisborne
2 - James Hathaway
3 - Sherlock Holmes
4 - Stanley Hopkins
5 - John Kennex
6 - Greg Lestrade
7 - Robbie Lewis
8 - Much
9 - Lucas North
10 - Victor Trevor
11 - John Watson
12 - Wildcard (in practise probably Reese or Finch, but not necessarily)
All Sherlockian characters may be either ACD or BBC. Any complaints, it’s my meme interpretation, I can do as I like.
Have you ever read a 6 and 11 fic?
Greg Lestrade and John Watson. Had I not put these in alphabetical order it would definitely look like I was cheating. Read, written, have ACD Lestrade and Watson retiring together. Have you met my OTP?
Do you think 4 is hot?
Stanley Hopkins, in my head canon played by Richard Armitage. ACD version from John Thornton in North & South; BBC version any soldier/spy with short hair. So, duh, yes.
What would happen if 12 got 8 pregnant?
I don’t do omegaverse so this question is irrelevant.
Can you rec any fics about 9?
Lucas North. Although I like the character I’m only just getting into the fandom, so not yet.
Would 2 and 6 make a good couple?
James Hathaway & Greg Lestrade. No. Whilst Hathaway/Lewis and Lestrade/Holmes work, there isn’t the initial contact and opportunity to grow together.
Would 5 and 9?
John Kennex & Lucas North. Hmm, now that’s an interesting prospect. Two damaged men together. If I can work out the time difference ...
Would 5 and 10?
John Kennex & Victor Trevor. No. My head canon Trevor wouldn’t cope with Kennex, the internal rebel.
Make up a summary for a 3/10 fic
Sherlock Holmes/Victor Trevor. Difficult, in that I’ve already written Viclock, may well do so again, and don’t write from summaries.
Is there any such thing as 1/8 fluff?
Guy of Gisborne/Much. Of course there is. Most people are not aware of this, but when they have a chance to be alone together they like to stand by a lake holding hands and watching the ducklings. And just to prove it
Dreams Suggest a title for a 7/12 hurt/comfort fic
Robbie Lewis/Harold Finch. “When the past catches up on us”.
What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four to deflower One?
Stanley Hopkins deflowering Guy of Gisborne. Apart, obviously from some form of time travel. ACD Hopkins is too much of a gentleman to deflower Guy, who is desperately in love with Much.
Does anyone on your flist read Seven slash?
Robbie Lewis. Have you met the Lewis fandom?
Does anyone on your flist read Three het?
Sherlock Holmes. Possibly - Irene Adler, Mary Watson, Molly Hooper.
Does anyone on your flist write or draw Eleven?
John Watson. Yes!
What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion?
Victor Trevor. Haven’t a clue, since he’s the strong silent type.
If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, which song would you choose?
Much. I need to come back on this.
If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warnings be?
Guy of Gisborne/Greg Lestrade/John Reese. Start drinking at least an hour before you read this.
What might be a good pick up line for Two to use on Ten?
James Hathaway to Victor Trevor. Something suitable in Latin, which would get his attention.
What was the last time you read fic about Five?
John Kennex. Haven’t really started reading fic about him yet. This will happen soon.
What is Six's super-sekrit kink?
Greg Lestrade. Dark red silk sheets.
Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober?
John Watson and Lucas North. There’s not much stops Three Continents Watson, and drunk.
If Three and Seven get together, who tops?
Sherlock Holmes/Robbie Lewis. Lewis - the years spent in vice have taught him how to get exactly what he wants.
How would you feel if Seven/Eight was canon?
Robbie Lewis/Much. Very surprised!