[closed] it's the antiHouse

Dec 30, 2009 23:38

Characters: Orihime [power-of_heart] and Adachi [fool_in_reverse]
Content: A house call~
Setting: Adachi's cabin oshi-
Time: An hour or so after this post.
Warnings: Adachi, possible mystic woo-woo idk.

Long Night made a lot of people's act up, and Orihime was no exception. She didn't get headaches or sick or anything like that, but with six other voices constantly chattering in her head, it had taken her much longer than usual to get together a comprehensive set of drugs for treating Adachi-san's head: she had to keep all the possibilities in mind! She didn't know if he was magical - she barely knew anything about him, actually, except that he knew Seta-kun's family - but if he wasn't having Long Night symptoms, this shouldn't be that difficult for her, even if he was having a terrible time.

She tapped lightly on the door leading to Adachi's cabin. "Adachi-san?" She paused and listened for any sound inside the room. "It's Dr. Inoue," she called in through the crack. "Is the door locked, or are you sleeping it off?"

≠ orihime inoue, tohru adachi

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