the crow wished everything

Dec 30, 2009 07:43

Characters: Kiyomasa Senji and Yoruichi Shihōin
Content: Cats are always keen to the activities of birds
Setting: Cargo hold of the Fiertia
Time: Backdated. To a time which is in the past. Wibbley wobbly timey wimey stuff! It's when he first comes on board, okay?
Warnings: Have a generic one.

She would have been very remiss indeed, not to have sensed there was a stranger on board. Pacing down the hall near the cargo bay she had stopped in her tracks suddenly, and stood quietly, trying to understand what she was feeling. It was not something she recognized, and the fact that it, whatever it was, was in the cargo bay suggested it was hiding. If she had been a good officer she would have reported it immediately, but then that would have meant revealing some of her abilities, and there was no need to do that until absolutely necessary.

She was wary, as she always was, but in the balance decided it was wiser to investigate. No sooner had she opened the door than the smell hit her, and it was a strange an alarming one indeed. It smelled like blood.

≠ kiyomasa senji (crow), yoruichi shihōin

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