Burn My Sweet Effigy [CLOSED]

Dec 31, 2009 11:04

Characters: Paine Austin and Rikku Dalabane
Content: The Way's newest gunner goes a-wandering.
Setting: ... around.
Time: Noon-ish
Warnings: Sex appeal and cute, from each respectively.

There were a number of things that, on a daily basis, Paine never asked for. It wasn't that she wouldn't have liked help, but she was headstrong and preferred to be alone, instead driven by her own steely confidence. She didn't ask for it, because she didn't want it, and if people got offended by that, so be it. Paine was always better off on her own anyway. Which was why, when given the opportunity to request a tour around the Winding Way, she completely disregarded it in favor of wandering around by herself. Like she needed help with a tour.

Normally, the girl was pretty good at making mental maps of locations, which proved useful in certain situations. Every door she passed, she took note of, idly counting them as she walked by just to keep herself entertained. The steady beat of her heels against the thick wood echoing actually sounded nice-- comforting, almost. It reminded her that even though she was in a foreign place where she knew absolutely no one, she still had herself.

Paine cut her pace in half so she could fetch the watch from her pocket, it golden chain cold against her fingers as she checked the time.

paine austin, rikku dalabane

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