Would you like cake or DEATH? [complete]

Jun 28, 2008 00:03

Characters: Rolo and Dahlia. Sync came too.
Content: After Iris informs Dahlia that someone was looking for her, she puts two and two together and decides it's time to take Rolo out. Rolo disagrees. They both agree to disagree rather violently, but as Dahlia leaves, she bumps into Sync. CUE SUSPICION TIEM. Sync then goes to get Rolo's side of the ( Read more... )

≠ synchron fon elemni, ≠ dahlia hawthorne, ≠ rolo lamperouge

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Comments 58

dahliahasthorns June 28 2008, 04:54:11 UTC
"Come on, come on! It's supper time~" Dahlia's voice rang out in a sing-song voice just outside Rolo's door. She of course kept her promise to cook him something just for him and, as such, waited patiently for him to open the door, tray in hand and smile beaming with pride.

After learning that someone was trying to pry into her identity, Dahlia just couldn't let the panic spread. And since it seemed that little question was blocked from the crew on the Victoria II, no one would find it weird if dear old Rolo had a little... "accident."

He'd shut his mouth for good. And Dahlia would watch him in sadistic satisfaction as he took his last, miserable breath over his simply delectable chicken stuffed with steam vegetables and a side of peach cobbler.

Oh, and the pink lemonade with just a hint of special flavoring. It was a good thing the poison she bought this day took so little to kill..


timehax June 28 2008, 05:04:07 UTC

How did she manage to track him down? Rolo wondered if she managed to see that journal post he put up - one no one responded too yet, much to Rolo's chagrin. He could have just ignored her, but Rolo didn't want to be checking his damn food every day to make sure there was nothing wrong with it. He didn't have the time nor resources.

Rolo sat up from his bed, making sure his knife was in his back pocket before he went to answer the door. He noted with a somewhat disappointed look that whatever she had, it smelled really good.

The door opened just slightly, enough for Rolo to stand blocking most of the entrance. He gave Melissa a slightly strained smile, not quite sure how to approach this. Potential killer, or was she really just trying to be nice.

"... Is that for me?" He tried to look surprised. "I wasn't expecting you, Melissa."


dahliahasthorns June 28 2008, 05:32:49 UTC
Dahlia nodded her head enthusiastically and held the tray to Rolo with her parasol tucked between the crook of her right elbow. "I wanted to show you how grateful I am for your kindness this morning." She pushed herself forward a little, as if trying to tell Rolo to let her in. "I promise, it is delicious. A-and I washed my hands before I made it, so you do not need to be concerned!"

He had better let her in. She wanted to watch him writhe in agony and tell him what, exactly he did wrong: You do not screw with Dahlia Hawthorne.


timehax June 28 2008, 05:42:13 UTC
She was unusually pushy, even for someone who was trying to feed him. So, she really wanted to go in, huh? Oh, he'd let her in all right. Rolo smiled back at Melissa, pretending to be touched by the tray of death that he was certain she delivered ( ... )


dahliahasthorns June 29 2008, 02:47:34 UTC
[From the thread above, wat.]

She didn't even give that the attention he probably wanted out of it. Instead, Dahlia fixed her hair, smoothed the wrinkles out of her dress, and lowered her shawl to camouflage the blood on her waist. She placed the dagger back inside the top of the parasol, which was still stained with chicken gravy and peach cobbler, but hopefully no one would notice until she got it clean.

Everything being in order, she Rolo another blinding smile before walking out of the door with her face still to him. She didn't trust him, damn it. "Thank you very much for today, sir. Enjoy the rest of your evening!"

When she got far enough, she finally turned her back to him and walked away, slowly and cheerfully. If she pretended to be happy, no one would suspect anything.


emptytraits June 29 2008, 04:02:39 UTC
Unfortunately, the night was hardly over with its onslaught of surprises.

Sync had been making his rounds through the hallways below the deck, calmly striding down the corridors with journal in hand. He'd done himself the favor of memorizing the ship's layout, which meant he could divide his attention between his surroundings and the glowing screen.

However, he hadn't been expecting anyone else to be awake at this hour, much less a slight woman who was seemingly unaware that she was doing so in the first place. Sync held back a curse as he rounded the corner, walking right into the latter while nearly dropping his journal in the process. It only took a second for him to realize what had happened, glancing over at her with a somewhat annoyed look on his face.

"The halls are dangerous at this hour, you know," Sync pointed out as he composed himself.


dahliahasthorns June 29 2008, 04:11:21 UTC
Oh, this was just super.

Dahlia had been too busy fiddling with her necklace and humming to herself to note the shrimp who decided to ram headlong into her. The shock made her give a little shriek of surprise and drop both her shawl and her parasol. She dropped to her knees and scrambled to collect them.

"I-I was just delivering something to a friend of mine! Please do not be mad me."


emptytraits June 29 2008, 04:23:53 UTC
That slim opening was all that Sync needed to catch sight of the blood spackled on the woman's dress, arching an eyebrow as he raised his gaze from the wound to her face.

"What were you delivering? Raw meat?" Of course, the tone of disbelief in his voice made it obvious that he already had the inkling that something wasn't right. Whether she was trying to hide it from him so she wouldn't further inconvenience him or if it were something else, he wasn't exactly sure. Yet at this late in the night, he couldn't find himself to care either way.


timehax June 29 2008, 23:53:51 UTC
[and continued from the thread above. LOL]

Rolo hadn't closed the door, a really stupid move on his part. But he was more concerned with actually cleaning up this mess. No one should be out at this time anyway. First, he had to replace his clothing and fix that scratch on his shoulder. Rolo took off his shirt, wincing a little when the fabric rubbed against his open wound.

Maybe he could sew this up... there was still blood splattered on this, but Rolo couldn't believe he already had to use one of the spare shirts he bought. He let out a rattled sigh, reaching into his pocket to clasp the locket between his fingers to calm himself down.

"Why does this always happen to me?" Doubtless, Melissa would be back. Maybe he should escape into Vohemar when they went there for the treaty. What was one measly desertion charge? He was getting pretty sick of Ivona.


emptytraits June 30 2008, 00:34:30 UTC
It was almost too easy for Sync to find Rolo's room. After all, it was the only one that was still open, a stream of light jettisoning out into the dimly lit hallway.

Sync calmly sauntered down the small corridor, keeping his footsteps soft as he approached the door. He remained quiet even after he reached his destination, allowing his body to lean against the doorframe while he crossed his arms over his chest. He saw no need to make his presence known right away, quite content with watching his enemy try to clean up whatever evidence was created out of his deeds.

Yet his gaze quickly found itself on the line of red that ran along his shoulder blade, eyes narrowing as his suspicions grew.

Just what did happen between him and that woman?

"What are you doing?" Sync finally asked, a calm expression on his face as he eyed the mess on the floor.


timehax June 30 2008, 00:38:54 UTC
Of course, as with most things in Rolo's life, just when he thought things couldn't get worse... they did. He hadn't noticed his most unwelcome visitor, but Sync finally made himself known, making the boy freeze in his tracks.

"..." Rolo said nothing at first, practically shaking from the effort to calm himself down. He didn't have energy to use his eye again. He couldn't do anything to Sync at the moment. He had to calm down and get a story straight. That is, if there was even a story to tell.

Oh hell no. Did he... did he see Melissa? Rolo turned around then, making no effort to erase the shock, annoyance, and barely contained rage on his face as he stared at Sync. Was this a set up? Were they working together from the start?

Shit"None of your business," Rolo muttered, walking towards his closet and throwing the ruined shirt in the corner, grabbing another one and some bandages. He guessed it was possible that Melissa might have been in league with Sync, but she sounded like she worked alone. Then again, what the hell could he ( ... )


emptytraits June 30 2008, 00:50:47 UTC
"Don't tell me what to do."

And just like that Sync excused himself into the boy's room, stepping inside to get a better look at the scene of the crime. He kept his face flaccid, looking almost bored as he surveyed the mess lethargically.

"It looks like you were busy earlier," Sync began, holding back a slight that threatened to peak out from the corners of his lips.

"You sure you don't want to tell me what happened?"


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