Characters: Dimo and Maxim
Content: Dimo wakes Maxim up really, really early in the morning, telling him that they're going on a trip. Doesn't mention that it's for a mini-vacation/camping trip just for the two of them until later. It's a surprise, after all!
Setting: Maxim and Dimo's quarters, and from there out to the Badlands
Time: way, way
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Comments 25
"I zaid vake op! Ve gots zome monster hunting to do! I gots orders from Vinry for it und everyting."
"Orders? Vhy din't Hy get dese orders?" Finally he let out a loud sigh and attempted to crawl back into bed. "Iz too early. Vake me in an hour und den ve do dese... orders."
"Iz better hunting if ve gets dere early enough to set up camp und plan it all out. I hears dot dese particular tings iz most active in late afternoon und early evening, und iz a bit of a trip out. Und bezides," he replied with a sly grin, "I gots a surprize for hyu vhat goes along vith de hunting. Can't tell hyu vhat it iz until ve gets dere, though."
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