Characters: Maes Hughes and Lucas Tazmily
Content: So many things happening at the same time, but we shouldn't forget when someone has their birthday, especially when it's a coming of age birthday.
Setting: Winding Way Records room.
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: Come to daddy's arms~
Between the cactuars, the additional repairs required of the ship, and the recent news of the attack at the parliament and the president's death, Hughes could honestly and sincerely say that this week sucked so far. Still, he was a boatswain and he had duties despite his status as a spy, and he did care about his crew.
So after going around the Way to look at the mess the recent battle had left in it, Hughes lopes off to the Records room where one Lucas Tazmily, not a week over eighteen years old, was working.
"Lucaaas~" he said cheerfully, knocking on the door to the room.