bah! who needs tea when you got coffee?

Jan 31, 2009 23:12

Characters: Adrian Andrews, Hijikata Toshirou
Content: A brief break for the Boatswain and a cup of coffee to ease the troubles.
Setting: The Kitchen!
Time: Sometime in the evening I suppose. Maybe late afternoon?
Warnings: None so far!

Adrian turned to lift the boiling cup of coffee as she sneaked a quick glance at her unexpected visitor before placing it gently on the table beside a plate of cookies. She hadn't really expected anyone at this hour, and if she hadn't been so grossly engaged in her novel when he entered, maybe she would have made a less fool of herself as she nearly fell off the stool in surprise.

Somehow Hijikata Toushirou didn't make it much of a habit to visit the kitchens so her surprise wasn't really exaggerated in any case. Or so she'd like to think. Clearing her throat softly, she turned to make another cup, this time for her own honey tea, and wondered if she should even try to ease into a conversation with the man across her.

"..good evening, Mr. Toushirou. I-I take it things are well..?"

≠ adrian andrews, hijikata toshirou

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