Merchant ships? Pffff! KITCHEN raiding is where it's at! [closed]

Jan 31, 2009 19:13

Characters: Alfred and Komachi
Content: Alfred and Komachi grab a bite to eat while the others are off doing their raiding thing.
Setting: The kitchen of the 4423
Time: During the raid
Warnings: ...Alfred being a poor role model?. Oh, and slow-log.

Alfred grinned as he entered his favorite room on the entire ship: the kitchen. Or galley? Whatever. It really didn't matter what you wanted to call it; it all meant the same thing in the end. What did matter at the moment, however, was the all important question of what to eat. It wasn't time for dinner just yet, but after talking to Komachi over the journals, they had decided that they were both a little bit hungry. No sense in starving yourself, right?!

The Hero put his journal down on the counter. He'd set it up to play the crew's voice posts automatically, just in case some danger presented itself that would need his or Komachi's attention. He whistled a little as he quickly made sure that the volume was just right. Good. No, not good, perfect. Now they could keep up with the excitement.

"Alright! We'll just grab something light to hold us over until dinner! Say, what do Junior Champions of Justice like to eat nowadays, anyway?" he asked, a little overjoyfully, as he turned towards his young companion.

≠ komachi, ≠ alfred jones

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